To win the battle against the new coronavirus (covid 19), we must accept long-term lifestyle changes. Apart from maintaining personal hygiene, community hygiene at large must also be observed. Let’s expect many lifestyle changes post coronavirus.
Once this health crisis ends, we can expect many challenges. But, I believe that having a positive mindset greatly helps to overcome the current situation. We might not be able to bring things back to normal, but at least we are open to the “new normal”.
In December 2019, we anticipated that 2020 would bring us to a new decade of positiveness, and no one imagined that a pandemic would come our way.
Many lives across the globe have been massively affected. Even though lockdown restrictions are starting to be alleviated, the pandemic will still affect everyone’s life in so many ways.
Everyone, especially governments and medical experts in different parts of the world are doing their best to end this pandemic. Yes, this crisis will come to an end, and that is for sure.
Another thing that is for sure is that our lives will be significantly different from what we used to have before the outbreak. To give you valuable ideas about lifestyle changes post coronavirus, keep reading!
Life After the Covid 19 Pandemic
We have all been exposed to the new reality that the pandemic imposed.
We all watched the news about the dangers of being physically close to other people, how governments enforced social distancing and lockdowns, and how many people went into quarantine. Not only that, many people lost their jobs and some businesses needed to stop their operations, and learning for many students was disrupted.
COVID 19 has affected us as individuals and as a collective. Here are some thoughts on how it is going to change our lives.
New Toll on Medical Health Workers
On the frontline in the fight against COVID 19 are the healthcare workers. All over the world, these professionals have made extreme sacrifices and have worked under incredibly difficult conditions to help COVID 19 patients.
For example, in areas where there was a shortage in personal protective equipment, healthcare professionals engineered DIY-solutions such as bin bags and ski goggles. That way, they were able to show up at work, but were at a high risk of being infected.
Most of them are working overtime while witnessing how patients suffer from the disease. They find the anxiety of knowing that they might be infected very challenging. Their job is physically, emotionally and mentally draining.
More than burnouts, front-liners may display symptoms of post-traumatic stress order. Once this crisis subsides, let’s prepare ourselves for the recovery process which many healthcare workers will need to undergo.
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Dependence on Technology
Because of the pandemic, digital platforms have become the most prominent way for us to be entertained and educated. We also use these platforms to work from home. From WhatsApp group to Zooming clients, this global health crisis is really turning us to be tech-dependent.
Since face-to-face meetings have been restricted, business owners are increasingly relying on video conferencing. By doing so, they can continue their operations and ensure that they not risking their health. Therefore, communicating virtually is the current norm.
Public Health Surveillance
Surveillance has been used in most countries to safeguard against the spread of COVID 19.
Countries like Singapore, Israel, and Germany are using phone tracking data which is necessary for locating and alerting people who might be infected. Meanwhile, in addition to phones, South Korea is using bank transactions and CCTV footage for the tracing process.
This public health measure erases a layer of privacy from the life of citizens and also brings a new dimension to both ethics and privacy issues. But, this measure will soon become a norm.
New-Formed Habits
Since the virus is contagious, awareness of both public and personal hygiene measures has increased. Health authorities have been educating the public and advocating regular handwashing using soap. When going grocery shopping people are advised to wear a facemask. Social distancing is also strictly implemented.
These brand new habits may still linger after the lockdowns are lifted. As a result, we can expect overall better hygiene. So, don’t be surprised to continuously see people wearing facemasks in public places as they become more cautious about their health.
Cheaper Urban Housing
While cities will maintain their important role in human society, many people may decide to move to the periphery. From the start of the pandemic, densely populated cities were at the center of the storm, with higher hospitalization and death rates.
Contrary to the less densely populated areas, cities like New York suffered the most from the health crisis. In the near future, we can expect more people to move to the periphery, and for governments to allow substantial changes in zoning regulations and land use in order to facilitate the shift in population. This trend will encourage remote work as well as the development of autonomous transport systems that will help people to avoid crowded subways.
When people are forced to the periphery, cities will become cleaner and safer. The dispersion of population will enable many jobs to spread out while reducing the costs of urban housing.
Artificial Intelligence
Even before the pandemic, the importance of artificial intelligence was stressed in the healthcare setting. However, due to the damage brought about by the coronavirus, its importance has escalated.
During the outbreak, an artificial intelligence platform assisted sending out of the first alerts. Not only that, but algorithms were also utilized in screening people who were potentially affected. Artificial intelligence is helping many hospitals across the world in managing their resources. Interestingly, it is used to speed up the process of vaccine research.
Furthermore, the developments in AI in terms of healthcare will help improve preparedness for the next possible public health crisis.
Remote Work
Since the start of coronavirus pandemic, the work environment has drastically changed. As offices in different parts of the world were closed, employees took advantage of virtually logging in from home, where they love to be, surrounded by their families.
None of us know when exactly when the offices will reopen or how business owners will effectively ensure the safety and health of their employees once they do.
The pandemic has had a major impact on how human resource teams work, prepare, and communicate. Businesses have had to become more flexible, find innovative solutions and adapt to the needs of their employees in order to make sure that everyone can work effectively. Many were not surprised by the new approach to common areas as well as conference rooms that include a more spaced out area with fewer chairs.
The outbreak is now transforming how employers in different sectors view remote work. In fact, a large number of companies have been forced to adopt new communication styles, attitudes and policies about how work should be performed.
Although offices still exist, some of the jobs are now done at home. Many companies are discovering that their employees are more productive when they work from home. It is no doubt that increased flexibility in terms of working arrangements will become the norm.
Immunity Passport As New Travel Document
The immunity passport functions the same way a regular passport does. Once it is confirmed that you do not have the virus, the passport enables you to resume to your everyday routine. If there is a risk that you are a COVID 19 carrier, you are required to stay indoors. While the UK government is already considered it, many other countries are also planning to have them. The immunity passport can become a travel requirement in several countries.
The Emirates Airline has been conducting quick COVID-19 blood tests for passengers who want to travel from Tunisia to Dubai. By performing on-site blood tests, airlines can assure the safety of their passengers and provide COVID 19 test certificates for the country of destination.
In just a few months, the coronavirus massively changed the way we live. I found it frustrating at first, but all I can do is accept these changes.
Our lifestyle and working habits will not be the same as before. From the way we communicate with others, go to the supermarket, travel, or practice personal hygiene – everything has changed!
Well, are you ready to face these changes? Will you embrace these changes? Can you adopt these changes easily?
You may find lifestyle changes challenging at first, but we may just need to accept them. After all, we need to ensure that we are safe and healthy. While we are complying to safety measures, we are not only protecting ourselves but also the people around us. Don’t worry. This crisis will end soon.