Superfoods for healthy skin

We all know the phrase “You are what you eat”, and this is so true when it comes…

Oxygen facials

So many celebrities swear by oxygen facials to help them keep their facial skin looking their best.  Madonna…

Skin aging and free radicals

Aging is an inevitable fact of life and we all get older every day. However, thanks to improvement…

How vitamin C can help your skin

If you don’t already know it, Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has been scientifically proven as a powerful anti-oxidant…

Vaginal Rejuvenation: Are we going to see home-use devices in the market?

Almost one in five women is interested in having vaginal rejuvenation or “designer vagina” surgery, according to an…

How pollution ages the skin

We live in a world where we all suffer from pollution – from smog, car exhaust, industrial processes…
