How vitamin C can help your skin

If you don’t already know it, Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has been scientifically proven as a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-aging agent. This is fabulous news since we can all get our hands on some vit C!

Here are some of the top advantage of this wonder vitamins for skin:
1. Vitamin C replenishes and plumps up the epidermis: The epidermis is the outermost layer of cells in the facial skin and it contains high concentrations of vitamin C. When the skin is exposed to the sun’s UV rays, the rays reduce the amount of vit C in the skin. Thus, with age, the amount of ascorbic acid in the skin significantly declines- an elderly person has about 70% less vitamin C in their skin compared to a teenager.
2. Vitamin C limits damage caused by UV rays: Vit C is a powerful antioxidant and as such it protects the facial skin against sun exposure. The UV rays can cause the formation of free-radicals in the facial skin such as superoxide ion, peroxide and singlet oxygen, which damage and prematurely age the facial skin. Vitamin C protects the skin from these harmful free-radicals by sequentially donating electrons that neutralize the free radicals and helps the facial skin maintain its youthful appearance.
3. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen: Collagen is the protein in the skin that helps it maintain its firmness and youthful appearance. Ascorbic acid is essential for collagen biosynthesis. It has been shown to increase collagen synthesis and serves as a co-factor for the prolysyl and lysyl hydroxylase enzymes which are responsible for stabilizing and cross-linking the collagen molecules. As a result, the Vitamin C helps the facial skin to repair and rejuvenate itself.
4. Vitamin C helps in wound healing: The body uses Vit C to replace damaged skin tissue with scar tissue. This helps the wounds to heal properly.

Here are a few other interesting facts about Vitamin C:
1. Vitamin C combined with vitamin E is highly effective: Research has shown that topically applied combinations of vit C and vit E are four fold more effective in preventing photodamage.
2. A high quality vitamin C ingredient oxidizes quickly: The ascorbic acid used in topical solutions isn’t stable. As a result, as soon as it is exposed to light, heat or air, the quality of the vitamin C begins to degrade.
3. Exfoliation increases the absorption of the vit C: Prior to topically applying vitamin C, it is best to exfoliate the facial skin. This ensures that dead skin and dirt don’t hinder the penetration of the vitamin and it is best absorbed by the facial skin.

The NowMi Treatment is the best way to give your facial skin the vitamin C fix it needs:
Unlike any other product on the market, the ascorbic acid used in the NowMi treatment is contained in a sealed packet until use. The packet protects it from light, air or moisture. This ensures that the purest level of vit C is used. Also, during treatment, the outermost layer of the skin is exfoliated to ensure the optimal penetration of the vitamins for skin. Finally, the vitamin C is combined with Vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid to deliver the best skin rejuvenation results.

Vaginal Rejuvenation: Are we going to see home-use devices in the market?

NowMi discuss vaginal rejuvenation at home Almost one in five women is interested in having vaginal rejuvenation or “designer vagina” surgery, according to an Australian study conducted in 2014.

The number of Labiaplasty procedures, an operation to reduce the length of the inner folds of skin on either side of the vagina, are increasing dramatically. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), the number of procedures increased by 45% between 2015 and 2016- constituting the largest increase in the number of procedures1.

A study published in 2016 entitled “Motivations, Expectations, and Experiences of Labiaplasty: A Qualitative Study2“, found that online media representations of labial appearance, as well as negative past experiences, primarily sexual in nature, contributed to women’s concerns about their vaginal appearance.

Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome (VRS) is a common medical condition described as a loss of the optimal vaginal structure, and is usually associated with vaginal child delivery and natural aging.
Most women and their sexual partners refer to VSR as “loose vagina”, complaining of a loss of vaginal tightness, which is directly related to the reduction of friction during intercourse and thus to a decrease or loss of sexual gratification.

There is a large spectrum of various VRS treatment options on the market, ranging from behavioral (Kegel exercises) through pharmacological therapies (hormonal, tightening creams and sprays) to various invasive surgical procedures. While behavioral and pharmacological therapies are non-invasive and safe, they have limited efficacy. On the other hand, various surgical procedures promise a much better final result at the price of higher associated risks and an extended recovery period.

In recent years, several novel therapies emerged on the market using Lasers or Radio-frequency energy sources for non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation. A few such products are:

Vaginal rejuvenation probIntimaLase – a minimally-invasive, non-ablative Er:YAG laser vaginal tightening procedure utilizing photothermal laser-mucosa tissue interaction.
FemiLift for LVT – non-invasive Laser Vaginal Tightening using CO2 laser that thermally heats the inner layers of the vaginal tissue inducing collagen and elastin contraction and regeneration of these proteins in the long run.
ThermiVa® – a non-invasive, non-hormonal treatment that uses controlled radiofrequency energy to gently heat tissue to rejuvenate collagen, without discomfort or downtime.

With celebrities like Farrah Abraham,the 26-year-old Teen Mom sharing photos on Instagram3 and chatting about her procedure of vaginal rejuvenation4 , the procedure is constantly gaining popularity among women of all ages and ethnicities.

The next natural step is the development of a home-use device for vaginal rejuvenation. Not an easy task!
The two competing technologies in the vaginal rejuvenation professional market are Fractional lasers and Radio-frequency. Past experience of implementing these technologies in home-use devices shows a clear advantage in favor of Radio-frequency technology in terms of size, energy source and ease of implementation. Vaginal electrodes for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) already exist in the market and adding Radio-frequency energy to those electrodes, or to similar ones, is quite easy. This makes the path to home use vaginal rejuvenation devices much simpler. The challenge lies in proving the safety and efficacy of the device and gaining regulatory approval. It seems that the regulatory path will first require PDU (Physician Directed Use) and later over-the-counter approval1.

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