The NowMi Treatment- Clinical Evidence

Clinical Evidence supporting the NowMi Treatment

The NowMi treatment was tested in a clinical study performed by a third party GLP certified laboratory. The clinical study was intended to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the NowMi PRO treatment for improving skin texture, skin smoothens and for immediate and long-term overall skin appearance improvement when used in a controlled panel test.

The treatment protocol included:

Daily cleansing: six weeks of daily facial cleansing at night with the NowMi PRO sonic device and the NowMi facial cleansing gel.
Weekly treatments: six facial rejuvenation treatments carried out once a week with NowMi PRO sonic device that uses the vitamin C effervescent tablet and the NowMi lubricant gel.


Statistically significant results (p<0.05) obtained. After 3 weeks of treatments, facial skin smoothness increased by 15.1%, and after 6 weeks smoothness increased by 25.9%. No adverse effect were recorded and the safety and efficacy of the NowMi PRO treatment was proven.

The NowMi PRO Kit

The NowMi Pro has two functions – the NowMi Pro Daily is designed to keep the skin clean and moisturized on a daily basis, and the NowMi Pro Weekly provides a ‘spa-like’ deep facial that slows down the signs of aging, revitalizes the skin and protects it against extrinsic factors such as smoke and pollution.

The NowMi Pro treatment kit
The NowMi Pro treatment kit


Clinical Study Methodology

The methodological approach used to evaluate whether or not the product tested has any effect on facial skin rejuvenation included:  Objective (instrumental) measurements for capturing and analyzing skin texture.

Following the application of a product on human subjects (see Colipa Guidelines Efficacy 2008),  the instrumental tests are performed with instruments that can precisely measure given parameters, according to a defined principle. Measurements are made under the control of a suitably qualified professional and use precise criteria (Colipa Guidelines Efficacy 2008).

To capture and evaluate skin’s texture, Canlfield’s VISIA system was used. The VISIA system consists of the VISIA imaging booth and VISIA software and can capture and store facial images using standard lighting, cross-polarized flash, and UV flash. After capturing images, the software automatically isolates or “masks” specific areas of the face and then performs an extensive analysis of these areas to evaluate the skin features.

The study was carried out on a panel of 10 women, 8 with normal skin and 2 with sensitive skin.  The women were aged 32.8±4.4 years.

The table below depicts the sex, age and skin type of the subjects participated in the study.

Subject No. Skin type Sex Age
1 Normal skin Female 30
2 Normal skin Female 36
3 Normal skin Female 30
4 Normal skin Female 26
5 Normal skin Female 26
6 Normal skin Female 39
7 Normal skin Female 34
8 Normal skin Female 34
9 Sensitive skin Female 38
10 Sensitive skin Female 35


Results of objective measurements of skin texture

Texture is primarily an analysis of skin smoothness. It is affected by wrinkles, pore size and general roughness of the skin. The results of skin texture as measured by the VISIA system are presented in the table below for each volunteer.

After 6th treatment After 3rd treatment Baseline Volunteer No.
287 358 438 1
113 74 113 2
77 98 80 3
447 531 630 4
736 701 812 5
285 294 354 6
222 265 292 7
126 185 168 8
281 337 553 9
257 401 383 10
283.10 324.40 382.30 Average
192.21 191.34 235.00
NowMi Clinical results
Graphical representation of facial skin smoothness improvements compared to baseline and after the 3rd and 6th treatments. After 3 weekly treatments facial smoothness increased by 15.1% and after 6 weekly treatments facial skin smoothness continues to increase to 25.9%.



  • 70% of subjects presented increase in facial skin smoothness after 3 weekly treatments compared to baseline.
  • 90% of subjects presented increase in facial skin smoothness after 6 weekly treatments compared to baseline.
  • A statistically significant improvement of facial skin smoothness was measured both after 3 weekly treatments and at the end of the study compared to the baseline.


NowMi Pro is now on sale with Special Offer: Buy now a NowMi Pro Kit from the inventor of OxyGeneo and receive Free of Charge a NowMi refill kit (valued at $99) that will give you 3 extra months vitamin C oxygen facial treatments at home.

Facial skin rejuvenation

NowMi facial skin rejuvenationFacial skin rejuvenation refers to a broad range of aesthetic treatments designed to help the skin look its very best.  This usually includes reducing and or eliminating wrinkles and fine lines, creating an even skin tone, restoring volume etc.  Over the past 15 years there has been a huge surge in the variety of treatments available, and the aesthetic industry is constantly developing new technologies to meet the growing demand.

There are two main treatment categories of facial skin rejuvenation treatments: invasive and non-invasive.

Invasive facial skin rejuvenation treatments:

Invasive or surgical procedures include a broad range of treatments such as a brow lift (forehead lift), eye lift (blepharoplasty), facelift (rhytidectomy), chin lift and neck lift.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more and more Americans are choosing to undergo surgical procedures.


  • Surgical procedures accounted for 77% of the total expenditures in 2017 and nonsurgical procedures accounted for 23%.
  • Surgical procedures were up 11% in 2017.
  • The surgical procedures that saw the most significant increases in 2017 include:
    • Eyelid Surgery – blepharoplasty (up 26.3%)
    • Buttock Augmentation – implants and fat transfer (up 25.5%)
    • Fat Transfer to the Face (up 22.3%)
    • Facelifts (up 21.9%)
    • Neck Lifts and Upper Arm Lifts (both up 20.1%)

B&A of a woman after a facelift
A B&A picture of a woman who underwent a face lift.

While surgical procedures yield highly visible results, they are not without risk. Aesthetic surgery involves the same risks as any other surgery, including complications with anesthesia and the surgery itself. Additionally, the recuperation period is often lengthy and there is a significant pain factor.

Non-Invasive facial skin rejuvenation treatments:

For those who are surgery averse, a wide variety of non-invasive treatments have been developed.  Chemical Peels and Dermabrasion/Microdermabrasion are the most popular treatments.  During a  chemical peel treatment, the outermost layer of the skin is dissolved using acids.  Chemical peels vary in their intensity and range from mild to deep. Once the skin layer has peeled off, a new and fresher layer emerges in its place. Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion also wound the skin in order to create a new skin layer but do so my “sanding” the facial skin layer off.

The more complex facial skin rejuvenation treatments use cutting edge laser, radio-frequency, ultrasound and infrared technologies.  In very broad terms, the laser treatments wound the skin to stimulate the production of a healthier layer of facial skin.  The other energy-based treatments stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin and improve/remove textural imperfections. Many aesthetic practitioners have adopted a multiple-technology approach to facial skin rejuvenation which enables them to customize each treatment in order to achieve the best results.

Non-surgical procedures have been continuously on the rise.  As can be seen from the table below taken from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, since 2012, the number of treatments have increased by 28%.

ASAPS statistics on non-invasive treatments

The NowMi treatment for facial skin rejuvenation:

The NowMi treatment offers a breakthrough in facial skin rejuvenation. The reason is that it offers a spa quality treatment in a home-based device. In order to deliver on such a promise, the technologies used in the spa had to be adapted to a home use device.  While this is no easy task, the developers of the NowMi device were able to achieve this goal.

The NowMi treatment uses several technologies for facial skin rejuvenation:

  1. The Bohr effect: The NowMi treatment creates a natural ‘facial skin oxygenation’ using the scientifically proven ‘Bohr effect’.   During treatment, a C02 rich environment is formed on the skin.  As a result, the body sends oxygen rich blood to the treatment area and there is an increase in cell turnover and collagen and elastin production.
  2. Sonic energy: The NowMi PRO device is equipped with sonic energy. Throughout the treatment, the skin is exposed to 6,000 sonic pulsations per minute. The pulsations exponentially improve the 4 actions performed by the NowMi Pro Weekly Treatment – namely, skin exfoliation, nourishment, oxygenation and protection.

While the NowMi treatment cannot perform the dramatic changes that surgical procedures can, it is an excellent treatment that nourishes and protects the skin and significantly slows down the signs of aging. It does so by infusing the skin with virtually pure vitamin C which helps the body produce new collagen and protects against extrinsic skin damage.  The treatment also infuses the skin with vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid which have anti-aging qualities.  Best of all, the treatment can be performed in 5 minutes in the comfort of your home and costs a fraction of the price of its spa equivalent.

Here are some B&A pictures:

Skin lightening with the NowMi treatment
After 6 weekly NowMi treatments. The skin is significantly lighter due to the whitening action of vitamin C


The NowMi treatment effectively treats acne
A significant decrease in skin pigmentation and acne scars following the NowMi treatment


Before the NowMi treatment

An image that shows a woman's face following 6 weeks of treatment with the NowMi device. The image shows a reduction in fine lines, brown spots and improved appearance of the skin.
After 6 weekly NowMi treatments. A reduction in fine lines, brown spots and improved appearance of the skin.


For more results visit:


Facial skin rejuvenation is one of the most sought-after aesthetic treatments.  A wide variety of treatment alternatives exist- from surgical intervention to non-surgical treatments.  The NowMi treatment offers an effective home-based solution that rejuvenates the skin and slows down the signs of aging.