Oxygen therapy for oily skin complexion

If you suffer from an oily skin complexion, oxygen therapy can help you balance your skin so that it looks and feels its very best.  The main challenge with oily skin complexion is that on the one hand, you need to keep it clean and remove excess oil, yet on the other hand, you don’t want to strip away all of the oil.  If the skin is over-cleansed, the body produces even more oil to compensate for the perceived dryness.  The NowMi oxygen therapy for oily skin complexion can help you deeply cleanse your facial skin and at the same time nourish it with vitamins and minerals.  The nourishment includes hyaluronic acid which keeps it moist as well as vitamins C and E that rejuvenate and protect it.

What causes oily skin?

Oily skin complexion is caused by the over production of sebum.  Sebum is an oily, waxy substance that contains triglycerides and fatty acids (57%), wax esters (26%), squalene (12%), and cholesterol (4.5%).  It is produced by the body’s sebaceous glands and it moisturizes the skin and protects it from water evaporation.

Sebaceous gland

The main causes of oily skin are:

  • Genetics: Skin type is often hereditary.  You may have inherited a genetic makeup that includes larger sebaceous glands that produce excess oil.
  • Over-cleansing: If you have an oily skin complexion and you wash or scrub it too hard with an abrasive tool or a coarse exfoliator, you might strip it of its moisture.  This will cause the sebaceous glands to increase their production of oil.  For this reason, it is important to cleanse your skin with a gentle yet powerful cleanser.
  • Cosmetics: Using the wrong cosmetics for your skin type can cause it to become oiler.  For example, some products may dry out the skin thus stimulating excess oil production while others may make it too greasy. If you have oily skin, it is recommended to use products labeled as either oil-free or noncomedogenic
  • Hormonal changes:  Androgens are the hormones often associated with increased oil production.  When Androgen levels fluctuate, such as during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, this can stimulate the production of sebum.  Stress and illness can also cause changes in hormonal levels which may result in oiler skin.
  • Environment: If you live in a hot and humid environment, this may lead to the body producing excessive amounts of sebum. On the other end of the spectrum, if you live in very cold climates which dry out the skin, your body may respond by increasing its sebum production.
  • Medication: Different medications can stimulate the body to produce excess amounts of sebum. Hormonal replacement medications or oral contraceptives have been shown to do so, as well as medications that dehydrate the skin.
  • Diet: Junk food and highly processed foods that are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, can cause the skin to become oiler and greasier.

The NowMi Oxygen therapy for oily skin complexion

The NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial treatment kit

The NowMi treatment is an ideal treatment for oily skin.  It enables you to cleanse your skin gently, get effectively, keeps it well hydrated and nourishes it.  Best of all, the treatment takes only 5 minutes and you can carry it out in the comfort of your own home.

Facial skin cleansing:

The NowMi treatment has two cleansing functions- a daily cleanser and a weekly exfoliation.   

Daily cleanser:

The daily cleanser is highly effective yet very gentle on the skin.  It has a surface with silicone micro-fingers upon which the NowMi gel is applied and massaged into the skin. In addition, the NowMi device uses sonic energy to improve the cleansing action.  The device emits 6,000 sonic pulses per minute which ensures that the cleansing gel penetrates and cleans all of the pores.  You can use the cleanser more than once a day if your skin is very oily. 

Cleansing with sonic energy is highly effective and research has shown that facial skin cleansing with sonic energy is up to 6 times more efficient than hand washing alone. 

In addition to cleansing the skin, the treatment infuses the skin with vitamins E, B3, B5 and Dead Sea minerals which nourish it and help it to remain healthy and balanced.

Weekly Exfoliation

The NowMi treatment gently exfoliates the skin and removes its outermost layer.  This layer contains dead skin cells and accumulated dirt such as makeup residue and pollution.  In general, oily skin is more prone to breakouts because the excess oil mixes with the dead skin cells and dirt.

The exfoliation is carried out using the NowMi vitamin C effervescent tablet.  The tablet has a slightly coarse texture.  When it is mixed with the NowMi lubricant gel and massaged into the skin, the tablet effectively, yet softly, exfoliates the skin.


The NowMi treatment gently exfoliates the skin and removes its outermost layer.  This layer contains dead skin cells and accumulated dirt such as makeup residue and pollution.  In general, oily skin is more prone to breakouts because the excess oil mixes with the dead skin cells and dirt.

The exfoliation is carried out using the NowMi vitamin C effervescent tablet.  The tablet has a slightly coarse texture.  When it is mixed with the NowMi lubricant gel and massaged into the skin, the tablet effectively, yet softly, exfoliates the skin.


The NowMi weekly treatment infuses the skin with pure vitamin C and vitamin E.  Vitamin C improves moisture retention and hydration of the skin which makes it ideal for oily skin. In addition Vitamin C and E are powerful antioxidants that:
a) protect from UVA and UVB damage
b) help the skin to heal faster from blemishes, sunburns and acne scars
c) Help the skin to look brighter and healthier


The NowMi oxygen therapy for oily skin complexion is unique since it enables you to enjoy a spa-quality oxygen facial in a home-use device.  Traditional facial oxygenation treatments are only available in professional spas, but the NowMi scientists created a technology that enables the same oxygenation effect in a home-use device. The NowMi treatment is clinically proven and uses the same science-backed skin oxygenation technology as the OxyGeneo treatment- a professional facial that has been used in clinics since 2013.

The NowMi treatment stimulates the body to oxygenate itself from within. It does this by creating a carbon-dioxide rich environment on the skin’s surface.  The skin then responds by sending oxygen-rich blood cells to the treatment area.  As a result of the oxygenation, the active ingredients are best absorbed by the skin and the treatment results are optimized.


The NowMi oxygen therapy for oily skin complexion lets you enjoy the best of all worlds- it provides you with a spa-quality treatment in the comfort of your home.  The treatment helps keep oily skin in check- it makes sure it is clean and at the same time nourishes and hydrates it.  Try it today and discover a facial routine that will give you the skin you have always wanted!

Say Goodbye to Oily Skin and Get Beautiful Healthy Summer Skin

Say Goodbye to Oily Skin and Get Beautiful Healthy Summer Skin | NowMi

With May behind us and summer just around the corner (or possibly already having arrived in some parts of the USA this is a great time to think about your facial skin and its health. Many of us spend lots of time outside in the summer, enjoying the great weather and spending time with friends and family. While this is important, it’s also vital that you are mindful of your skin’s health during this time. Below are the most important tips for keeping healthy summer skin.

The sun and heat may damage your skin, or at the very least may not help it to be in the best condition that it could. Sunlight and hot weather have the potential to dry out your skin, and excessive sun exposure without protection can lead to undesirable side effects like premature aging.

Some people have oily facial skin, which humid weather may exacerbate. The reason is that the weather may stimulate the overproduction of sebum. This is especially true of the skin on your face. However, using certain products and skincare methods can help reduce the amount of oil your body produces. This article goes into detail about the ways you can protect your facial oily skin during the summer and help it to be as healthy as possible while still enjoying the season.

Sebaceous gland
Sebaceous glad that produces sebum


One of the most important things to use on your skin during the summer is sunblock. You should apply sunscreen all year, even in winter, but it’s especially important in the summer. We spend more time outside in the summer and the UV rays that we are exposed to tend to be harsher than those in the winter. The rays can damage the skin, which is why it’s essential to protect it whenever possible.

putting sunscreen on facial oily skin

Medical advice suggests that you use a sunblock that offers at least SPF 30, if not higher. The sunscreen should be applied to any skin that is exposed to the sun, especially your face, and you need to make sure to reapply it every couple of hours while you are outside in direct sunlight.

Many sunblocks can be oily or cause oily skin. Finding a sunblock that is less oily can help you reduce the risk of skin breakouts or other side effects caused by using oily sunscreen, especially on your face ensuring healthy summer skin .

Skin Care

Something that can help your skin’s health is treating it somewhat differently in the warmer months than you would in winter. For many of us, winter weather is dry and cold and can cause our skin to dry out as well. If you use lots of heavy moisturizers during the winter, you might like to consider reducing the number of cosmetic products that you use during the warmer months, as well as choosing creams that are lighter. Using a moisturizer on your face that is thick during warm and humid weather can result in facial oily skin and breakouts.  If possible, avoid using oily skincare products in the warmer months. If you have oily skin, the moisturizer you choose can make or break your complexion. Oil is a natural part of our skin, but when your face becomes too oily it can cause problems like breakouts and irritation.

Another thing that is useful to consider during the summer is the other ways you treat your skin. When it’s very hot, many of us end up taking more than one shower per day to keep feeling cool and clean, especially if we have an active lifestyle. Long, hot showers can dry out the skin on your face, and it can start producing excess oil to compensate. This is why it’s good to take short showers.  Warm and humid weather can cause too much oil production in the skin, especially on the face. It is also wise to use a cleanser with salicylic acid, and reapply a gentle moisturizer throughout the day if necessary.

For many people, the combination of thick makeup on their face, as well as humidity and sunblock, can result in skin irritation and possibly breakout due to the excess of oil on the face, especially if you have oilier skin. Your sebaceous glands can get blocked by certain types of products, especially if they are very oily. This is why it’s important that you reconsider your makeup in the summer, and use products that have no oil, or won’t make your facial skin oily. This way, you won’t have to worry about how to get rid of oily skin as a result of the hot weather and ensure healthy summer skin .

Other Sun Protection

There are more ways to protect your facial oily skin than with just sunblock. While sunblock is a must if you are going to be outside, preventing your skin from being exposed to the sun in the first place is simply the best method to prevent any damage. This advice may be especially useful for people with oily skin, who might not want to keep reapplying sunscreen throughout the day if they can avoid it. If your skin dries out due to the sunlight, it can produce excess oil to compensate. If you already have oily skin, this can be quite troublesome.

However, this advice may be a little too extreme for many. One of the best parts of summer is of course that one gets to enjoy the sunshine and beautiful weather, so staying inside for most of the day may not be so appealing! You can also try wearing clothes with long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat when you go outside. This is a good way to prevent oily skin from sun exposure, without having to forego spending time in the sun altogether. This type of skin does not have to prevent you from enjoying your summer.

summer time on the beach
Don’t forget your parasol when going to the beach

Another thing that you can do is simply be mindful of your sun exposure and try to keep it moderate. If you are going to be out in the sun for several hours, then it’s a good idea to alternate the time you spend in direct sunlight with the time you spend in the shade. For example, if you go to the beach then you might want to bring a parasol with you, and make sure to take some breaks from being directly in the sun. It can be uncomfortable to wear clothing that covers most of your skin if the weather is warm, so this is a good alternative. It’s of course always important to wear sunblock in the summer and ensure to reapply it every few hours. This is true even if you have oily skin. While oily skin can become more easily irritated than other types of skin, it is vital that you protect it with sunblock.

These are some of the best tips you can use to prevent oily skin and keep your skin fresh during the summer.

See how to use the NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial treatment on oily skin.

Anti-aging treatment for smokers

Anti-aging treatment for smokers | NowMi

If you are a smoker, you are probably well aware that smoking causes your skin to age prematurely For this reason, you need to take extra good care of your facial skin and provide it with additional oxygen, nourishment and hydration.

The NowMi anti-aging vitamin C oxygen facial treatment for smokers performs several actions that can help your facial skin look younger- it deeply cleanses the skin, oxygenates it, infuses it with vitamins and minerals and hydrates it.   By regularly carrying out the NowMi treatment, you can reinvigorate your skin and help it counter the negative effects of cigarette smoke.

Facial skin damage caused by smoking

Smoking is harsh on your facial skin for several reasons. 

  1. It robs your skin of oxygen.  Research has shown that in just 10 minutes of smoking, the oxygen supply to the body and facial skin decreases for almost an hour.   
  2. Cigarette smoke causes collagen to breakdown.  Collagen is the primary protein that gives the skin its firmness.  Once it is damaged, the skin begins to sag and wrinkles form.
  3. Smoking dries out the skin.
  4. Smoking damages the capillaries and often causes them to break.   It also causes the blood vessels to dilate.   As a result, the skin tone becomes uneven and sometimes redder.
  5. The constant squinting and pursing of the lips while smoking results in smokers’ lines around the mouth and brows.

The NowMi Anti-aging Treatment for Smokers

The NowMi Pro treatment kit
The NowMi Pro treatment kit

The NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial treatment is an at-home treatment that you can carry out anywhere, anytime.  The treatment takes only 5 minutes and leaves your facial skin feeling fresh and reinvigorated. 

The effectiveness of the NowMi treatment has been clinically proven, and it uses the same science-backed skin oxygenation technology as the OxyGeneo treatment- a professional treatment used in clinics since 2013.

NowMi Clinical results
Graphical representation of facial skin smoothness improvements compared to baseline and after the 3rd and 6th treatments. After 3 weekly treatments facial smoothness increased by 15.1% and after 6 weekly treatments facial skin smoothness continues to increase to 25.9%.

The main advantages of the treatment for smokers are:

  • Skin oxygenation:  The NowMi Pro weekly treatment is unique since it stimulates the skin to oxygenate itself from within. It does this based on a scientific principle called the Bohr effect.  The Bohr effect states that if the skin is bombarded with carbon dioxide, the body will send in oxygen-rich blood cells to the area to counter the effects of the carbon dioxide.  Therefore, during the NowMi treatment, a chemical reaction takes place that produces millions of carbon dioxide microbubbles.  The body then responds and oxygenates the treatment area from within the skin.

    The added oxygen does wonders for smoke-damaged skin. The oxygen increases the metabolism of the skin cells and helps them to function properly.  It enables them to clear away waste (such as smoke buildup) and best absorb vitamins and minerals.  As a result, the skin looks younger and more refreshed.

The NowMi Pro treatment oxygenates the skin from within
NowMi PRO using the Bohr Effect for skin oxygenation
  • Stimulate the body to produce more collagen:  The NowMi weekly treatment infuses the skin with vitamins C and E.  Vitamin C is known to play a vital role in the production of collagen.  The NowMi treatment replenishes the skin’s supply of vitamin C and enables it to produce more collagen.  Once you have more collagen in your skin, smokers’ lines such as crow’s feet around the eyes and deep lines around the lips form more gradually. 

    Vitamin C and E are also powerful antioxidants that help curb the negative effects of free radicals.  Free radicals are unstable atoms that form as a result of smoking.  They cause cell damage and death which results in premature skin aging. 
  • Skin hydration:  The NowMi treatment infuses the skin with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a substance naturally produced by the body. Its primary function is to retain water and it is capable of holding 1,000 times its weight in water!  Hyaluronic acid plays a major role in keeping tissues moist and well lubricated and as a result counters the drying effects of cigarette smoke.
  • Deep cleansing:  The NowMi treatment has two skin cleansing mechanisms.  The first is the daily cleanser.  The daily cleanser has a surface with silicone micro-fingers.  The NowMi cleansing gel is placed onto the micro-fingers and massaged into the skin.  In addition to the massaging action, sonic energy further improves the cleansing action and ensures that each pore is thoroughly cleansed.  Research has shown that facial skin cleansing with sonic energy is up to 6 times more efficient than hand washing alone. In addition to cleansing the face, the NowMi gel infuses the skin with vitamins E, B3, B5 and Dead Sea minerals. 

    The NowMi weekly facial treatment exfoliates the outermost layer of the skin.  This layer includes dead skin cells, dirt formed by cigarette smoke, pollution, makeup residue etc.  The exfoliation deeply cleanses the pores and enables them to function properly. 

    By cleansing the skin on a daily basis and exfoliating it on a weekly basis, you can limit the damage caused by smoke residue. Clean skin means that the pores can breathe easily and this translates into skin with a natural and healthy complexion.


The NowMi is an excellent anti-aging treatment for smokers.  It oxygenates the skin, stimulates the production of collagen, hydrates it and deeply cleanses the pores.  Used regularly, it can counter the negative effects cigarette smoke has on your facial skin and help you enjoy a healther and more youthful complexion.

Anti-aging oxygen facial treatment for oily skin

Oily skin is challenging- younger people with oily skin tend to suffer from frequent breakouts and acne.  However, the good news is that oily skin ages better than normal skin!  Since the skin is more lubricated, wrinkles and fine-lines develop later in life.  

Anti-aging oxygen facial treatment for oily skin | NowMi

In general, to slow down the aging of oily skin, it is highly recommended to exfoliate the skin on a regular basis, make sure it is hydrated and protect it from sun damage.

The NowMi anti-aging oxygen facial treatment for oily skin is an ideal maintenance treatment.  It enables you to perform a spa-quality exfoliation treatment in the comfort of your own home, deeply hydrate your skin with hyaluronic acid and protect your skin from UV rays.

Anti-aging tips for oily skin:

  1. Exfoliation: Exfoliation helps to slow down the aging process. It removes dead skin cells from the outermost layer of the facial skin.  The dead cells can deepen wrinkles and accentuate their appearance.  Most importantly, the exfoliation stimulates the skin to repair itself, increases the cell’s turnover rate, improves lymph flow and strengthens nerve function. 

    Skin exfoliation is recommended for all mature facial skin, regardless of skin type, and is especially recommended for individuals with oily skin.
  2. Hydration: Oily skin needs to be hydrated. Hydration is important for anti-aging since it keeps the skin’s protective barrier balanced and its pH level stable. Since oily skin is frequently cleansed, one of the dangers is that the cleansing dehydrates it.  Dehydration is problematic since it can stimulate the body to produce even more oil and also cause premature facial skin aging.
  3. Protection: One of the main causes of premature facial skin aging is overexposure to the sun’s UV rays. In fact, experts say that 90% of skin damage is caused by the sun!  

    People with oily skin need to be especially careful.  While tanning seems to dry out the skin, in actual fact it stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce even more sebum in order to protect the skin.  It is therefore recommended to wear sunscreen on a daily basis.

The NowMi anti-aging oxygen facial treatment for oily skin

The NowMi Pro treatment | NowMi
NowMi Oxygen Facial

The NowMi is a home-based treatment that delivers spa-quality results.  It uses the same scientifically-backed technology as OxyGeneo treatments- professional spa facial oxygenation treatments introduced in 2013, and has been clinically proven to deliver effective skin rejuvenation.

The NowMi treatment performs 4 skincare actions- exfoliation, nourishment, oxygenation and protection.   Used on a regular basis, the NowMi treatment helps balance oily skin and prevents premature skin aging.

  1. Exfoliation: As mentioned above, exfoliation is a highly recommended anti-aging treatment for oily skin.  In the NowMi treatment the exfoliation is carried out using the NowMi vitamin C effervescent tablet.  The tablet has a slightly coarse texture.  It is mixed with the NowMi gel and massaged into the skin.  During the massaging action, the tablet removes the outermost layer of the skin including dead skin cells, oil and dirt.

  2. Nourishment: During the NowMi treatment, the skin is infused with vitamin C, vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid.  Vitamin C revitalizes it and stimulates it to create new collagen.  Vitamin E helps in wound healing and prevents the skin from drying out.

    Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a substance naturally produced by the body. Its primary function is to retain water and it is capable of holding 1,000 times its weight in water!  Hyaluronic acid plays a major role in keeping tissues moist and well lubricated and as a result prevents oily skin from drying out.
  3. Oxygenation: One of the main advantages of the NowMi treatment is that it oxygenates itself from within.  What this means is that the treatment stimulates the body to send oxygen-rich blood cells to the treatment area.  Because of this natural oxygenation process,  the active ingredients are optimally absorbed by the skin cells.
  4. Protection:  During treatment the skin is infused with vitamins C and E which are powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals.  Free radicals damage the skin’s DNA and cause premature aging. The vitamins neutralize the free radicals and limit their harmful effects.  By carrying out the NowMi treatment on a regular basis you can replenish your skin’s supply of vitamin C and E and significantly reduce damage caused to the skin by UV rays and other extrinsic factors.
The NowMi Pro treatment kit
The NowMi Pro treatment kit


The NowMi anti-aging oxygen facial treatment for oily skin is an excellent treatment that helps oily skin look its best.  It keeps the skin clean, nourished, hydrated and protected.  Best of all, treatment takes only 5 minutes a day and you can carry it out anytime, anywhere!


Anti-aging facial treatment at home

Anti-aging facial treatment at home | NowMi

Today, more than ever before, people can dramatically slow down the signs of aging.  There are so many options out there- from very invasive treatments such as facelifts to non-invasive creams and serums. 

One of the most important keys to success is maintenance – adopting a skincare routine that keeps your skin clean and nourished.  And this is where the NowMi anti-aging facial treatment at home comes in. The NowMi treatment performs two actions- daily skin cleansing and a weekly spa facial.  By using it on a regular basis you can help your skin produce new collagen.  The collagen keeps the skin firm and limits the appearance of wrinkles.  The NowMi treatment also helps reduce unwanted pigmentation and prevents the formation of sun/age spots.  With the NowMi device, you can enjoy firmer, plumper, and younger-looking skin.  Best of all, the treatment takes only 5 minutes a day and you can perform it in the comfort of your home.  

How does the NowMi anti-aging facial treatment at home work?

The NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial treatment kit
The NowMi Pro kit

The NowMi treatment is unique since it enables you to enjoy a spa quality treatment at home.  The NowMi scientists developed a treatment that is as powerful and effective as a professional treatment but adapted to a home use device. 

The NowMi Weekly Facial

The NowMi weekly facial performs 4 skin actions:

  • Exfoliation:  Just like a professional spa, the skin is exfoliated.  The exfoliation removes all dead skin, makeup and dirt and leaves the pores clean and open.

    The exfoliation is performed using the NowMi vitamin C effervescent tablet.  When it is combined with the NowMi gel, it easily glides over the skin.  The surface of the effervescent tablet is slightly coarse and when it is massaged into the skin it performs the exfoliation. 

    Throughout the treatment, sonic energy is used to further enhance the results.  The NowMi device emits 6,000 sonic pulsations per minute.  Because of the sonic energy, the exfoliation is very effective, yet gentle on the skin.  Furthermore, research has shown that sonic cleansing is up to 6 times more efficient than hand washing alone.  

  • Nourishment:  In a spa anti-aging facial, a smetician infuses active ingredients into the skin to slow down the signs of aging.  And just like in a spa treatment, the NowMi infuses vitamin C, E and Hyaluronic acid into the skin.  These ingredients have been scientifically proven to rejuvenate the skin and help it repair itself.
  1. Vitamin C: Vitamin C works wonders when it comes to the skin.  First, it plays an important role in the formation of collagen. Collagen is a protein that provides the skin with its strength and firmness.   As we age, the level of collagen in our skin dramatically reduces and as a result, the skin sags and wrinkles appear.  When you infuse vitamin C into the skin, it can more easily produce new collagen.  The collagen is used not only to firm the skin but also to repair it.

    Second, vitamin C curbs the production of melanin.  Melanin is the pigment that gives our skin its color.  As we age, sun/age spots appear.  These form because the skin produces too much melanin.  Vitamin C helps the skin to regulate the production of melanin and clear away blemishes caused by the overproduction of melanin.  This leaves the skin looking fresher, clearer and younger!

    Vitamin C also has anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce age-related inflammatory skin conditions such as Rosacea and promote wound healing.  In addition to all this, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from photodamage and other extrinsic aliments (discussed in the section about protection).

  2. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that supports the immune system and the proper functioning of the cells.  Research has shown that it plays a vital role in skin healing, especially when it comes to scars and burns.  Vitamin E is also a natural anti-inflammatory which enables it to soothe and calm the skin. Furthermore, it hydrates the skin and prevents it from drying out.  Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an anti-oxidant (the benefits of which will be discussed in the protection section).

  3. Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a substance naturally produced by the body. Its primary function is to retain water and it is capable of holding 1,000 times its weight in water!  Hyaluronic acid plays a major role in keeping tissues moist and well lubricated and as a result, the skin looks and feels more supple.
  • Oxygenation: Many professional spas offer ‘oxygen facials’ that infuse oxygen into the skin.  Oxygen has been shown to revitalize facial skin cells, increase collagen production and increase cell turnover.  
    The NowMi treatment takes a different approach to skin oxygenation.  Rather than infusing oxygen externally, the NowMi treatment stimulates the skin to ‘oxygenate itself from within’.  It does this based on the scientific principle called the Bohr effect. 

    The Bohr effect states that if the skin is bombarded with high levels of carbon dioxide, the body sends oxygen-rich cells to the areas. Therefore, during the NowMi treatment, when the vitamin C effervescent tablet comes into contact with the NowMi gel, a chemical reaction occurs.  The reaction produces millions of minute carbon dioxide microbubbles.  The body then responds and naturally oxygenates the area. 

    As a result of the oxygenation, the cells best absorb the active ingredients and their effect is maximized.

  • Protection:  One of the main causes of premature skin aging is overexposure to the sun’s UV rays. In fact, experts say that 90% of skin damage is caused by the sun!  The NowMi treatment enables you to minimize this damage and protect your skin. 

    As mentioned above, during the NowMi treatment the skin is infused with vitamin C and E.  These vitamins are powerful antioxidants that limit the damage caused by free radicals.  Free radicals are unstable molecules that harm and often destroy skin cells.  Vitamin C and E are capable of neutralizing them and thus limit their harmful effects.

    Free radicals are also produced by other extrinsic factors such as smoke and pollution. In a similar manner, the vitamins protect your skin from damage caused by these factors.
The NowMi treatment
The NowMi Pro weekly facial treatment

The NowMi daily treatment

The NowMi device has a surface with silicone micro-fingers.  During treatment, the NowMi cleansing gel is placed onto this surface and gently massaged into the skin.  The sonic energy enhances the cleansing action and ensures that the facial cleansing gel penetrates and cleans all of the pores. 

The NowMi cleansing gel not only cleanses the skin, it also infuses it with nourishing vitamins and minerals.  Specifically, the gel is enriched with vitamins E, B3, B4 and Dead Sea minerals.

By using the NowMi Pro device to cleanse your face every day, you can ensure that you remove all dirt, makeup and pollution that clogs up your pores. Once your pores are clean and can breathe more easily, your skin will automatically look and feel great. 

The NowMi Pro treatment kit - Daily
The NowMi Pro for daily cleansing


Anti-aging facial treatments at home are a great way to slow down the signs of aging and help your skin look its very best.  The NowMi treatment is a home-based treatment that delivers spa-like results!  Used regularly, it helps you to keep our skin clean and nourished, and protected from damaging UV rays. 

Treatment takes only 5 minutes and costs a fraction of the price of its spa equivalent.  Try it and discover the difference for yourself.


Device for oxygen facial treatment at home

Oxygen facial treatments are a fantastic way to slow down aging and reinvigorate the skin. Until recently, oxygen facial treatments were limited to professional spas, but with the NowMi treatment, you can enjoy all the benefits of a spa-quality treatment from home!

Device for oxygen facial treatment at home | NowMi

How does the NowMi device for oxygen facial treatment at home work?


The scientists that developed the NowMi device were faced with a challenge- to create an oxygen facial treatment that was as powerful and effective as a professional spa treatment.  Spas use an aesthetic device that emits pressurized oxygen which is then applied onto the facial skin using a small spray gun.

oxygen facial treatment
Traditional oxygen facial

The NowMi uses a completely different mechanism to oxygenate the skin. It uses the same facial skin oxygenation mechanism used in OxyGeneo professional spa treatments. The OxyGeneo treatments were first introduced in 2013 and have been scientifically and clinically proven to revitalize the skin.

The way it works is that instead of oxygenating the facial skin externally, the NowMi treatment triggers the body to oxygenate itself from within!  The mechanism is based on a scientific principle called the Bohr effect which states that if the skin has an excess amount of carbon dioxide, it sends oxygen-rich blood cells to the area to counter the effect. During the NowMi treatment, the vitamin C effervescent tablet is combined within the NowMi gel and massaged into the skin.  When these two ingredients are mixed, a chemical reaction occurs which produces millions of minute carbon dioxide bubbles.  The body immediately responds and bombards the treatment area with oxygen.

The oxygenation effect does wonders for the skin.  Oxygen has been shown to:

  • Revitalize facial skin cells: All cells need oxygen to function. Unfortunately, facial skin cells, especially in mature skin, do not get enough oxygen. The reason is that the capillaries often get clogged and the transfer of oxygen decreases.  This results in paler and more fragile skin.  Once the cells receive the amount of oxygen they need (and even more) their functionality increases, and the skin regains a more youthful complexion.
  • Increased collagen production: Collagen is a protein that provides the skin with its structural strength. When we are young, our body produces high quantities of collagen, but as we age, it produces less and less.  As a result of the decline, the skin begins to sag, and wrinkles form.  The oxygen stimulates the body to create new collagen which helps the skin to repair itself and which slows down the signs of aging.
  • Faster cell turnover: Skin cells have a limited lifetime. Once they die, they are replaced with new cells. Oxygen plays a critical role in cell regeneration. It increases the rate at which new cells grow and the cell turnover rate. The newer cells give the skin a fresher and more youthful appearance.


To achieve the best skin rejuvenation results, in parallel to the oxygen, spa treatments infuse active ingredients into the skin.  The exact formula is determined by the aesthetician based on the needs of each patient.   

NowMi’s scientists chose 3 active ingredients that have been clinically proven to revitalize and heal the skin- vitamin C, E and Hyaluronic acid.

  • Vitamin C:  Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radicals.  Free radicals are unstable atoms that damage the skin’s cells.  They injure the cells and often cause cell death. Free radicals form as a result of overexposure to the sun’s UV rays and from pollutants, and are the number one cause of premature skin aging.  Vitamin C helps to neutralize the free radicals and thus protect the skin.  

    Vitamin C plays a critical role in the skin’s natural regeneration process.  It has been proven to be an integral part of collagen synthesis and thus helps the skin to repair itself. Furthermore, vitamin C inhibits the skin’s melanin production and therefore limits the formation of unwanted pigmentation (such as sun/age spots).  It also helps to clear away existing pigmentation and give the skin a more uniform texture.

    The main issue with vitamin C is that as we age, the levels of vitamin C in our skin decreases significantly.  Mature skin is said to have 70% less vitamin C than young skin! As a result, it is important to infuse the skin with vitamin C in order to slow down the signs of aging.

    A less known fact about vitamin C is that not all vitamin C serums/creams are effective. Vitamin C is highly sensitive and if it is exposed to air or light, its potency dramatically decreases, and its color changes from white to a yellow-brown. So if you see vitamin C serums or creams that have a yellowish tone, this means the vitamin C within them is no longer effective. The NowMi vitamin C however, is sealed until use.  The seal protects the vitamin from air and light and ensures the most potent and effective levels of vitamin C.
the NowMi treatment uses pure vitamin C
Vitamin C is necessary for healthy skin
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E  is naturally found in the body.  Like vitamin C it is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.  Furthermore, vitamin E has been proven to heal the skin, especially when it comes to scars and burns.  It is also a natural anti-inflammatory which enables it to soothe and calm the skin.  Vitamin E also hydrates the skin and prevents it from drying out.
  • Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a substance naturally produced by the body. Its primary function is to retain water and it is capable of holding 1,000 times its weight in water!  Hyaluronic acid plays a major role in keeping tissues moist and well lubricated and as a result, the skin looks and feels more supple.

Exfoliation: Facial skin exfoliation is an important part of any professional oxygenation treatment.  The exfoliation removes the outermost layer of the skin that includes dead skin cells, oil and dirt.  The NowMi treatment exfoliates the skin using a vitamin C effervescent tablet.  The tablet has a slightly coarse texture and when it is gilded over the skin it exfoliates it and deeply cleanses all of the pores. 

Protection:  The NowMi treatment infuses the skin with vitamins C and E.  As mentioned above, these are powerful antioxidants that protect the skin.  Therefore, the NowMi treatment helps you protect your skin against UV rays and other extrinsic factors such as pollution and smoke that damage it.

Advantage of the NowMi device for oxygen facial treatment at home

The NowMi Pro weekly treatment kit
The NowMi Pro kit

We live in a fast-paced world and most people do not have enough time in the day to fit everything in.  For many, going to a spa requires a lot of organization- scheduling in a few spare hours, travelling to and from the spa, and if they are parents, they might need to hire a babysitter.

Professional oxygen facial treatments are also costly.  A singular treatment ranges from $150-300 and usually with repeat maintenance treatments can cost between $2,500 to $5,000 a year.

The NowMi device enables you to enjoy a spa-quality vitamin C oxygen facial in the comfort of your own home.  The treatment takes only 5 minutes and you can fit it into your existing skincare routine.  Best of all, it costs a fraction of the price of its spa equivalent.


Oxygen facials are a great way to slow down the signs of aging and enjoy radiant and glowing skin. The treatment used to be only available in spas, but thanks to the NowMi treatment, you can now enjoy it in the comfort of your own home.  The treatment is fast, incredibly pleasant and leaves you skin looking younger and fresher.  Try it today!

Related article: Vitamin C for anti-aging treatments

The benefits of vitamin C on facial skin

Our skin is the largest organ in the body and its primary function is to protect our internal organs from the hostile environment. It protects us from pathogens, UV radiation, mechanical impacts, pollution, dangerous chemicals and dehydration.

The two main layers of the skin are the epidermis and dermis. The external layer, the epidermis, is the cellular layer that protects our internal organs. The dermis is the internal layer of the facial skin which provides elasticity and strength, as well as nutrition to the epidermal layer. The dermis is mainly composed of collagen fibers and has a complex network of vascular, lymphatic and neurons.

Facial skin contains high concentrations of vitamin C. The highest concentration is in the epidermis -about 60 (mg/100 g Wet Weight) compared with 10 (mg/100 g Wet Weight) in the dermis.  Unfortunately with age, facial skin rapidly loses this essential and protecting nutrient. Clinical studies shown that aged skin loses 70% of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) concentrations compared with young skin. As the concentrations of vitamin C decrease, facial skin becomes more vulnerable to the external environment and starts to age. Regretfully, human beings are unable to synthesize vitamin C in their bodies and must rely on oral intake of ascorbic acid or topical application of vitamin C.

How does vitamin C help the skin?

Anti-aging benefits: The dermis provides elasticity and strength to the facial skin.  Its main structure is collagen fibers and clinical studies have shown that from the age of about 20 we lose about 1% of collagen fibers in the skin every year, primarily due to sun exposure. In simple words, without any treatment, at age of 35, we have already lost approximately 15% the collagen fibers in our facial skin. This results in thinner skin and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Therefore, vitamin C is essential for the production of new collagen fibers and its decrease results in collagen degradation.

Anti-inflammatory benefits: Vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory nutrient that helps to counter age-related inflammatory skin conditions such as Rosacea.  It also promotes wound healing and prevents post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Skin whitening benefits: Vitamin C decreases the formation of melanin.  It therefore aids in skin lightening, helps the skin maintain an even tone and repairs pigmentation damage.

Protects skin from sun damage: UV rays from the sun cause photodamage which decreases the production of collagen.  This results connective tissue disruptions, damage to blood vessels, and impairment of the wound healing process.  Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant capable of neutralizing the free radicals caused by the UV rays.  In addition, ascorbic acid increases the collagen synthesis and cross-linking and helps the skin repair itself, therefore reversing the UV-induced photodamage.

The biologically active form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid. Unfortunately, ascorbic acid is a very unstable molecule, yet this is actually the condition that makes it a powerful anti-oxidant. When ascorbic acid degrades (as a result of exposure to light and oxygen) it loses its benefits to the facial skin, and its color turns from white to yellow-brown.

In order for your skin to benefit the most from vitamin C you need to use pure and un-degraded ascorbic acid.  If you are using a topical product like vitamin C serum or vit C cream, and its color is already yellow, it most likely contains a degraded form of vitamin C and is useless.

The NowMi Treatment:

Facial treatments typically involve multiple steps that cleanse, exfoliate and nourish the skin in order to provide a clearer, more rejuvenated, and well-hydrated complexion.  Oxygen facial treatments in particular are known for their skin revitalization and anti-aging attributes.

The NowMi facial treatment is the latest advancement in oxygen facial treatments. The treatment consists of 4 simultaneous actions – exfoliation of the outer layer of the skin, infusion of essential nutrients and oxygenation of the treatment area from within the skin for optimal absorption and efficacy of the infused nutrients. In addition to these three steps which are performed in most professional facial treatments, the NowMi treatment adds a critical fourth step of skin protection.  The protection is achieved by infusing the skin with pure vitamin C, vitamin E and hyaluronic acid.

The vitamin C in the NowMi treatment is in the form of ascorbic acid.  It comes in an effervescent tablet which is sealed by a protective sachet from light and humidity.  This ensures that the purest and most potent levels of ascorbic acid penetrate the skin.

How does the NowMi treatment work?

The NowMi treatment performs 4 skin actions simultaneously:

  1. Exfoliation – The exfoliation is performed using the vitamin C effervescent tablet.  The tablet has a slightly coarse surface which gently removes the most external layer of the skin.  The exfoliation deeply cleanses the skin and removes all dead skin cells, dirt and oil.  It also opens up the pores so that they optimally absorb the active ingredients.
  2. Nourishment – The interaction between the effervescent tablet and the gel creates micro CO2 bubbles which deliver vitamin C, vitamin E and hyaluronic acid into the skin and restore its depleted reserves. Research has shown that when taken orally, the absorption levels of vitamin C are very low, and only a fraction of the quantity taken is used by the body and active in the skin. Therefore, in order to effectively nourish the skin, the vitamin C is best applied topically.  The ascorbic acid contained in the NowMi tablet is of the highest level of purity. This makes the tablet incredibly effective since unlike any other product on the market, the vitamin C isn’t exposed to air and light, factors which dramatically degrade its quality. By adding vitamin C, the skin is nourished with effective anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and anti- pigmentary agents.  The vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid help the skin maintain its moisture and firmness, and the vitamin E further enhances the effectiveness of the vitamin C.
  3. Oxygenation – The interaction between the gel and tablet creates micro CO2 bubbles that penetrate the skin’s surface. In response to the increase in CO2 levels, a physiological response called the Bohr Effect is triggered, and the body sends oxygen rich blood to the target area.  This increases the capillary flow and the skin’s metabolism which results in the optimal absorption of the active ingredients and more rapid cell turnover.
  4. Protection – Vitamin C is the most prevalent antioxidant in the human skin and can be found in large concentrations in the dermal and epidermal skin layers.  Unfortunately, the body is unable to produce vitamin C and serious deficiencies can even lead to disease.

As we age, the concentration of the antioxidants, including vitamin C decreases, and aged skin is said to have 70% less antioxidant concentrations compared to younger skin.  As the concentrations decrease, the skin becomes more vulnerable to damaging extrinsic factors such as solar UV radiation, pollution and smoking.  These factors are known to cause ‘oxidative stress’ which rapidly accelerates damage caused to the skin. While the antioxidants shield against the oxidative stress, excessive exposure can overwhelm the defense mechanism and result in photoaging, immunosuppression and photocarcinogenesis.  Clinical studies have shown that vitamin C creates a photoprotective effect against photoaging.   The vitamin curbs collagen disintegration and pigment damage.  Most importantly, vitamin C helps to stabilize the collagen fibers and produces new collagen.