Personal Oily Face Treatment

Personal oily face treatment | NowMi

Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands in the skin produce an excess amount of sebum.  Sebum is an oily, waxy substance that coats, moisturizes and protects the skin. It is crucial for the skin since it forms a protective barrier on the skin’s surface that limits water from evaporating.  If you have oily skin, it is recommended that you adopt a personal oily face treatment in order to reduce the amount of sebum on your face while at the same time ensuring that your skin is sufficiently nourished and hydrated.  

Symptoms of oily skin:

People with oily skin often have skin that has:

  • A shiny or greasy appearance
  • Skin that appears rough or thick
  • Clogged pores and blackheads
  • Large pores on the skin
  • Frequent breakouts

The main reason for oily skin is genetic.  However, hormonal changes or high-stress levels can also stimulate the body to create excess amounts of sebum.

Acne vulgaris on very oily skin
Acne vulgaris on very oily skin

Personal oil face treatment

By adopting a personal oil face treatment, you can significantly limit the amount of oil on your face.  Here are important skin care tips recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology.

1. Wash your face every morning, evening and after exercise.  When washing your skin, gently massage it with a cleanser and avoid scrubbing it.  The scrubbing irritates the skin and can make it look even worse.

2. Choose skin care products that have an ‘oil free’ and ‘noncomedogenic’ label.   This label means that the products will not clog your pores or cause acne.  You can find cleansers, moisturizes and makeup with these labels.

3. Select a gentle foaming face wash.  A common mistake when treating oily skin is to choose a strong face wash for oily skin in order to dry out the skin.  However, if the face wash is too harsh it irritates the skin and stimulates it to produce even more sebum.  So, stick to the mild and gentle products.

4. Avoid oil-based or alcohol-based cleansers.  These cleansers irritate the skin.

5. Moisturize your face daily. Even though you have oily skin, it is very important that you keep it hydrated.  It is recommended to use a moisturizer that has an SPF of 30 or higher in order to protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

6. Always wear sunscreen when you are outdoors.  Sunscreen helps prevent skin damage such as wrinkles and age spots.  Choose sunscreens that contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide since these products limit acne breakouts. Also, stay away from sunscreens that contain fragrance or oils.

7. Only use oil-free, water-based makeup. Always remove your makeup before going to bed, and never go to sleep with makeup.

8. Use blotting papers throughout the day.  Use the papers gently and don’t rub them on your face.  If you rub them, it will only spread the oil to other areas on your face.  Instead, gently press the paper against your face and leave it on for a few seconds to absorb the oil.

9. Try not to touch your face too much.  If you touch your face too much you can spread dirt, oil and bacteria from your hands to your face.  Try to touch your face only when you are cleansing it, moisturizing it or applying makeup.  Make sure your hands are clean before you touch your face.

Woman washing her oily face
Washing you face several times a day helps limit the amount of oil on your face

The NowMi Personal Oily Face Treatment

The clinically proven NowMi Pro treatment is ideal for treating oily skin.  Using the NowMi Pro you can perform two skin treatments- daily cleansing and weekly oxygen facials.

NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial Kit for oily skin
The NowMi Pro Kit

The NowMi Pro Daily Cleansing Treatment

The NowMi Pro has soft silicone bristles for daily skin cleansing.  You need to apply a small amount of the NowMi cleansing gel onto the bristles and then gently massage the skin.  The cleanser does not contain any oil or alcohol and is water-based.  The cleansing gel produces a gentle foam on your face and thoroughly cleanses you skin.  In addition to the cleansing action, the NowMi Pro uses sonic energy to enhance the cleansing results.  During treatment 6,000 sonic pulsations are emitted each minute, and the sonic energy ensures that each pore is thoroughly cleansed.  

The NowMi cleansing gel also hydrates the skin.  It infuses the skin with vitamins E, B3, B5 and Dead Sea minerals which revitalize and nourish the skin. 

The NowMi Pro treatment kit - Daily oily skin cleansing
NowMi Pro daily treatment

The NowMi Weekly Vitamin C Oxygen Facial Treatment

The NowMi Weekly treatment includes 4 actions– skin exfoliation, nourishment, oxygenation and protection.  The skin is gently exfoliated using a vitamin C effervescent tablet.  When the tablet is mixed with the NowMi lubricant gel, it gently glides over the skin.  The exfoliation occurs when you move the NowMi applicator with the vitamin C tablet over the skin in a circular motion.  While the exfoliation is very gentle, it powerfully removes all dead skin, makeup and oil from the skin’s surface.  During the NowMi Pro treatment the skin is infused with pure vitamin C.  According to beauty expert Mansa Gundu, “Vitamin C works magically for oily skin because it has an antioxidant property which helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and all aging effect. It also gives even tone and adds the natural whitening skin. In addition to this, vitamin c protect your skin from damage especially from sun rays.”  In addition to the vitamin C, the skin is also infused with Hyaluronic acid.  Hyaluronic acid is excellent for oily skin since it keeps the facial skin moisturized at the right level, so it doesn’t need to produce any more sebum to keep hydrated.   Finally, the skin is infused with vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects and nourishes the skin.


If you have oily skin, you should adopt a personal oily face treatment to care for your skin.  The right treatment needs to thoroughly cleans your skin while at the same time ensure that it is nourished and hydrated.  The NowMi Pro treatment possesses this unique balance.  Try it today and discover how it can help your skin look its best.

For additional information please read: PERSONAL OXYGEN FACIAL FOR OILY SKIN

Anti-aging facials

Today, more than ever before, people are able to maintain their youthful appearance way into their 50’s and 60’s. Just look at Hollywood celebs – Jennifer Lopez is 50 and looks like a twenty years old, Ellen DeGeneres is 61 and looks amazing, and Madonna is simply ageless.  Over the past 20 years the aesthetic industry has developed enormously and has developed a wide variety of products and technologies that help people look their very best.  And when it comes to anti-aging facials, they have proven themselves to be incredibly effective in turning back the clock- removing wrinkles and fine lines, pigmentation, sunspots, age spots etc.

anti-aging facials treatment in a spa

What to expect during an anti-aging facials treatment?

Most anti-aging facials involve the following steps:

1.  Cleansing– your aesthetician will thoroughly cleanse your skin with a facial cleanser (using a sponge or cotton pads).

2.  Skin analysis– the skin is inspected using a magnifying lamp to determine its condition – i.e. dryness, pigmentation, wrinkles, broken capillaries etc. Based on the analysis, the aesthetician then plans the treatment protocol.

3. Exfoliation– during exfoliation, the outermost layer of the skin is removed and it is deeply cleansed of dead skin, oils and dirt. There are different types of exfoliation.  Mechanical exfoliations use face scrubs (and/or different forms of brushes or washcloths) to remove the dead skin cells.  A more aggressive alternative is microdermabrasion. During the microdermabrasion treatment a blast of micro-crystals is blown across the skin and then vacuumed out.  The procedure removes the dead cells on the skin’s surface and leave the skin looking younger and fresher.   An even more aggressive treatment is a chemical peel which uses different acids to remove skin cells (there are different levels of chemical peels from very mild to highly aggressive peels).

4. Extraction – your aesthetician will remove any blackheads or whiteheads (mature skin sometimes has large blackheads).

5. Light therapy treatments – If your treatment protocol involves light therapy treatments such as lasers or IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), your aesthetician will usually perform the treatment after the exfoliation/extraction. During light therapy treatments, high-intensity pulses of light are penetrated into the epidermis and dermis of the skin to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, eliminate pigmentation, reduce pores and more. Usually there is no downtime or very minimal downtime following these procedures. 

5. Facial massage – the facial massage stimulates the skin and facial muscles and increases blood flow.  Often the massage is very soothing and relaxing.

6. Facial mask – a facial mask with anti-aging active ingredients is applied onto the face.

7. Creams – various protective creams and toners are applied onto the skin.

8.  Discussion – your aesthetician will discuss with you how frequently you should have a treatment and what home skin care regimen you should adopt.

facial massage during an anti-aging facials
Facial massage during an anti-aging facial treatment

The NowMi anti-aging facials

The NowMi Pro treatment kit
The NowMi Pro treatment kit

The clinically proven NowMi anti-aging vitamin C oxygen facial was created to give you all the benefits of a professional spa treatment in a HOME USE DEVICE!  Designed for today’s busy lifestyle, the treatment takes only 5 minutes and can be performed anytime, anywhere.  Best of all, it costs a fraction of its spa equivalent. 

The NowMi 4-in-1 anti-aging facial treatment performs 4 actions– skin exfoliation, nourishment, oxygenation and protection.  Throughout the treatment, the NowMi Pro device emits 6,000 sonic pulsations per minute.  This sonic energy significantly enhances the treatment’s effectiveness and boosts each one of its actions.

Skin exfoliation:  The skin is exfoliated using the NowMi pure vitamin C effervescent tablet which is mixed with the NowMi lubricant gel.  The exfoliation thoroughly cleanses the skin and removes all dead skin, dirt and makeup. 

Skin nourishment:  The NowMi treatment infuses pure vitamin C, vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid into the skin.  These ingredients are highly effective in nourishing the skin and reversing the signs of aging.

Skin oxygenation:  The NowMi treatment stimulates the body to ‘oxygenate itself from within’.  As a result, the active ingredients are optimally absorbed by the cells and anti-aging treatment results are maximized.

Skin protection:  The vitamin C and E that are infused into the skin are powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from extrinsic damage such as UV rays, pollution and smoke.


Anti-aging facials are a great way to slow down the signs of aging and look your very best. If you want to enjoy all of the benefits of a spa anti-aging facial, but in a proven home-based treatment, try the NowMi treatment.  You will be amazed by the results.

Click here to see what Beauty Bloggers that have used the NowMi treatment have to say.






Personal Vitamin C Oxygen Facial

Vitamin C- The Wonder Vitamin

In a recent article in Vogue Magazine, New-York based Dermatologist Dr Dennis Gross stated that “Vitamin C has a wonderful duality: it both brightens and firms the skin…Not only does it help to lighten and break up pigmentation you might already have, it also prevents dark spots or sunspots from forming in the future. Vitamin C, in all its brilliance, also increases your skin’s natural production of collagen, giving skin radiance and vitality.”  So there you have it, the secret to younger looking and healthier skin is not in man-made chemicals or exotic ingredients, it is in the vitamin C found in every orange! 

The secret to great looking skin is in vitamin C

So, where is the catch, you ask?  The catch is in the quality of the vitamin C that you apply to your skin. 

As neuroscientist Dr Claudia Aguirre explains “L-ascorbic acid is the main form of vitamin C”.  The key challenge is that it is a very unstable molecule that dramatically losses its efficiency if exposed to oxygen, light, or its freshness is compromised.  Dr Claudia Aguirre therefore concludes that “The main point is to have a stable form for vitamin C that gets delivered to the skin.”

Once the vitamin C starts to degrade, its color turns yellow.  This is the reason why many of the serums containing vitamin C have a yellow tint.  If you are using a such serum beware that most probably the vitamin C within it has lost its potency.

The Solution:  the NowMi Personal Vitamin C Oxygen Facial

The NowMi Pro treatment kit
The NowMi Pro treatment kit

The NowMi device was created to deliver the purest form of vitamin C to the skin (click here to read more about the benefits of vitamin C).  Therefore, the vitamin C is stored in a sealed pouch until use.  The pouch protects the vitamin from exposure to oxygen or light and also guards its freshness.  The vitamin C comes in the form of an effervescent tablet. Once the pouch is opened, the effervescent tablet is massaged onto the face together with the NowMi lubricant gel.  The effervescent tablet gently exfoliates the skin and removes all dirt, oil and dead skin cells.  After the skin has been exfoliated, it optimally absorbs the vitamin C.

The NowMi sealed vitamin C pouches
The NowMi sealed vitamin C pouches

In addition to the vitamin C, the NowMi lubricant gel contains vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid.  Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that repairs and protects the skin (for more information about the benefits of Vitamin E please click here).  Furthermore, vitamin E further boosts the efficiency of the vitamin C, especially when it comes to protecting the skin from photodamage.

The NowMi personal vitamin C oxygen facial is unique since it stimulates the body to ‘oxygenate itself from within’.  As opposed to traditional oxygen facials in which the oxygen is applied onto the skin using a spay gun, the NowMi treatment causes a chemical reaction within the skin that stimulates the body to send oxygen rich blood cells to the area.   It does this based on a biological principal called the Bohr effect.  The Bohr effect states that when the body needs to treat an area that has an excess amount of carbon dioxide (C02) it produces oxygen rich cells and sends them to the treatment area. 

The NowMi bubbling tablet comprises of high concentration pure vitamin C as well as sodium bi-carbonate and citric acid. When the sparkling tablet is combined with the lubricant gel, a chemical reaction between the citric acid and the sodium bicarbonate occurs which creates micro-bubbles of C02 on the skin. Consequently, the body replies by sending oxygen to all layers of the facial skin.  The oxygen helps the cells to best absorb the vitamin C, vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid and therefore the treatment results are superior.

The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment

With the NowMi personal vitamin C oxygenation facial you can:

  • Rejuvenate your skin
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines
  • Improve textural imperfections
  • Firm your skin & tighten pores
  • Hydrate skin and restore volume
  • Renew glow and revitalize dull complexion


Vitamin C does wonders for the skin.  However, there is a challenge in applying potent vitamin C onto the skin. The NowMi treatment has overcome this challenge and nourishes the skin with pure vitamin C. Try it today and see the amazing results for yourself!


Oily skin in wintertime

oily facial skin in wintertime

Our skin is sensitive.  It is sensitive to changes in temperature, humidity, climate etc. For this reason, it is important to be aware of our skin type and to adjust our skin care routine if we notice that there is a difference in the way our skin looks and feels. A classic example of this is taking care of oily skin in wintertime.  The cold weather, reduced humidity and constant change between heated and unheated environments take their toll on the facial skin.   So here are a few tips on how to take care of oily skin in wintertime.

Tips for caring for oily skin in wintertime

1. Wash: During the winter, humidity levels drop because cold air holds less moisture than warm air.  Because of this, you might feel that your skin is less oily, and you may use less blotting paper on your facial skin than in the summer. However, chances are that your sebaceous oil glands are still producing an excess amount of oil and because of the changes in the weather it just feels different. Therefore, you still need to manage the excess oil, and in order to do so, it is recommended that you wash your face twice a day.  If you feel that your skin is more delicate during the winter months, choose a creamy face wash over a harsh medical cleanser.  

Woman washing her oily face
Washing your face daily to limit oiliness on the skin

2. Exfoliate: The excess oil on your skin often clogs up your pores.  Not only that, the oil mixes with dirt and dead skin cells on the skin’s surface which leads to pimples, blackheads, acne etc.  By regularly exfoliating your skin you can deeply cleans it and remove all excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells.  The exfoliation enables the skin to maintain a healthy texture and eliminates the “shiny” look it may have. It is recommended to limit exfoliation treatments to 1-3 times per week in order to avoid rashes.

3.  Moisturize:  Even though it may seem that because oily skin produces more sebum than normal facial skin you don’t need to add moisture, you do!  Since you are cleansing it often, it is important to make sure it is moisturized and balanced.  If not, the body will only produce more sebum to compensate to the perceived dryness.  It is recommended to use a water-based moisturizer and not an oil based one since oil-based products can make your skin oilier.

4. Apply sunscreen: Even though it is winter, it is very important to protect your skin from the sun.  Overexposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays can cause the skin to dry, and in response the body produces even more sebum.   The UV rays also contribute to premature aging of the facial skin and disrupt the production of collagen and elastin.

5. Hydrate and eat healthy: Maintaining a healthy diet does wonders for your skin. It is recommended to drink between 8-10 glasses of water a day in order to keep your body hydrated and to clear away toxins and bacteria from the body.  The foods you eat also play a critical role in how your skin looks.  If you suffer from oily skin try to avoid greasy and oily foods and increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The NowMi treatment for oily skin

The NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial treatment for oily skin in wintertime

The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment enables you to easily care for your oily skin in wintertime.  With the NowMi Pro device you can:

1. Deeply cleans your skin on a daily basis

2. Exfoliate it on a weekly basis

3. Moisturize it with vitamins and minerals to ensure it is hydrated and balanced

4. Protect against damaging UV rays

The NowMi Pro device performs 2 actions- daily facial skin cleansing and weekly skin rejuvenation. 

Daily cleansing:

The NowMi Pro treatment kit - Daily
NowMi daily cleansing

The NowMi Pro enables you to deeply cleanse your skin on a daily basis and get rid of accumulated oil (most people with oily skin usually need to cleanse their face at least twice).

The NowMi Pro has a designated surface with soft silicone micro-fingers. Onto this surface you apply the NowMi cleansing gel and then massage it into your face.

The NowMi Pro device uses sonic energy to enhance the cleansing effect. The device issues 6,000 pulsations per minute which helps the cleansing gel to penetrate all of the pores and thoroughly cleanse them. It has been scientifically shown that cleansing your facial skin with sonic energy is up to six times more effective than washing your face with your hands.

The cleansing gel not only cleanses the skin, it also infuses it with vitamins E, B3 and B5 and Dead Sea minerals which nourish and hydrate it. Here is a short description of what they do:  

  • Vitamin B5: Also known as Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B5 deeply hydrates the skin and helps it absorb moisture from the air.  It also plays a role in promoting skin softness and smoothness.  Most importantly it has skin rejuvenation and repair attributes.
  • Vitamin B3: Vitamin B3 is a powerful antioxidant that helps the skin protect itself damaging UV rays. It blocks the transport of melanin and therefore reduces hyperpigmentation. The vitamin is also known for its anti-aging qualities since it reduces wrinkles and limits the formation of pigmentation spots.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is renowned for its antioxidant capabilities. It protects the skin from free radicals caused by UV rays and other extrinsic factors such as smoke and pollution. The skin contains high levels of vitamin E which emphasizes its key role in nourishing and protecting the skin. Vitamin E is also known for slowing down the signs of aging, hydrating the skin and reducing scars.
  • Dead Sea minerals: The Dead Sea, located in Israel, is known for its therapeutic minerals. The minerals most often used to treat the skin are zinc, calcium, chloride and sodium chloride.

Weekly facial:

The NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial treatment kit
The NowMi Pro weekly treatment

The NowMi Pro weekly facial does wonders for oily skin. The treatment consists of four actions performed simultaneously: skin exfoliation, nourishment, oxygenation and protection.  The effectiveness of the treatment is greatly improved by sonic energy which optimizes each action.  The best part about the NowMi Pro treatment is that it enables you to perform a spa-quality treatment in the comfort of your own home in only 5 minutes!

1. Sonic exfoliation:   The exfoliation is performed using the NowMi vitamin C effervescent tablet which has a slightly coarse texture. When the tablet is massaged into the skin, it gently exfoliates it and removes all excess oil, dead skin cells, makeup residue and dirt. The exfoliation also opens up the pores and enables the optimal absorption of the active ingredients.

2. Sonic Nourishment:  During the NowMi Pro treatment, the skin is infused with vitamin C, E and Hyaluronic acid.

  • Vitamin C – Vitamin C is ideal for oily skin since it nourishes and hydrates it. It is also a highly effective anti-aging antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage and other extrinsic facts such as pollution and dirt. Furthermore, vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory nutrient that prevents skin aggravation and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E plays an important role in skin hydration, nourishment and healing. The vitamin helps to calm the skin and prevents the formation of scars. Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the skin from photoaging and premature aging of the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid: The primary function of Hyaluronic acid is to lock in moisture and prevent skin dehydration. As mentioned above, it is important to cleanse the skin but not to strip it of moisture. The Hyaluronic plays a major role in keeping the skin moist and well lubricated and preventing it from drying out.

3. Sonic Oxygenation: The NowMi Pro uses a scientific principle known as the ‘Bohr Effect’ to naturally oxygenate the skin ‘from within’.  The Bohr Effect states that when the skin has a high concentration of C02, the body responds by sending oxygen to the treatment area.

During the NowMi Pro treatment, the chemical reaction between the vitamin C effervescent tablet and the lubricant gel creates a rich C02 environment on the surface of the skin.  In response, the body sends oxygen-rich blood cells to the face. As a result of the oxygenation, the active ingredients are optimally infused into the cells.

 4. Sonic Protection:  The #1 cause of aging skin is overexposure to the sun. The NowMi Pro infuses the skin with vitamin C and E which are highly effective antioxidants. When the skin contains high levels of these vitamins it can protect itself from the damaging effects of UV rays and prevent premature skin wrinkling, sagging and pigmentation.


If you suffer from oily skin in wintertime, the NowMi treatment can be an ideal solution for you.  The treatment enables you to deeply cleans your skin on a daily basis, exfoliate it on a weekly basis, keep it highly moisturized and also protect it from harmful UV rays.  Best of all, the treatment takes only 5 minutes and you can perform it in the comfort of your home.  Try it today!

Recommended reading: oxygen facial for oily skin  

Personal Skin Oxygenation Treatment

NowMi personal oxygenation treatment

Loving how our skin looks and feels is so important.  When it looks young and radiant, we are filled with confidence and we put our best foot forward.  Personal skin oxygenation treatments are a great way to take care of our skin.  They correct damage caused by overexposure to the sun, slow down the signs of aging and rectify skin imperfections.  Personal skin oxygenation treatments have been adopted by celebrities the world over who swear by them and they are a must in any well-established spa.

What are Personal Skin Oxygenation Treatments?

Oxygen is vital to the body.  Without oxygen skin cells die. The principal behind oxygen facials is that the more oxygen is in the cells, the better they function.  Skin cells that are fully oxygenated result in healthier and more rejuvenated skin.  

The personal skin oxygenation treatment is quite simple.  A cosmetician uses a special device to apply pure, pressurized oxygen onto the skin. The oxygen penetrates the skin and oxygenates the cells.  When the treatment was first introduced almost 20 years ago, only oxygen was infused.  Today however, different serums are also infused which significantly increase the effectiveness of the treatments.  These serums include vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients, and botanical extracts.

oxygenation treatment
Traditional oxygenation treatment

What are the benefits of personal skin oxygenation treatments?

1. Instantly brightens and plumps the skin
2. Immediately clams the skin after any procedure
3. Eliminates bacteria and reduces inflammation (critical for those suffering from active acne or acne scars)
4. Stimulates the production of collagen which results in firmer and more elastic skin

There are no side effects to the treatment and it is effective on all skin types.  Best of all, there is no downtime and you can immediately go back to your daily routine.

Treatment varieties

There are different types of oxygen facials.  Here are a few of the commonly available treatments:

1. Clarify treatments are ideal for normal to oily or acne prone skin. The main ingredients are Hyaluronic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate.  These treatments are designed to target impurities and irritation of the skin.  They clear away oil build-up, deeply cleans the skin and leave it refined and clarified.

2. Hydrating treatments are designed for normal to dry, dehydrated or mature skin types. The treatments use Hyaluronic acid and purified water to intensely hydrate the skin.  It also lifts and tones the skin.   

3. Vitamin treatments use a mixture of vitamin C, E and Octapeptide.  They are suitable for all skin types and effective in treating photoaged or sun damaged skin.  The treatment combats the signs of aging by providing antioxidant protection and increasing the production of collagen.

The NowMi Personal Skin Oxygenation Treatment

The NowMI oxygen facial treatment
The NowMi Oxygen Facial Treatment

The NowMi personal skin oxygenation treatment takes oxygen treatments to a whole new level.  Instead of externally applying oxygen onto the skin,  the treatment causes the body to ‘oxygenate itself from within’.  The NowMi treatment stimulates a natural reaction called the Bohr effect.  The Bohr effect states that if a carbon dioxide (C02) rich environment is formed on the skin, the body responds by sending oxygen (02) rich blood cells to the area. So during treatment, the NowMi device creates a chemical reaction on the skin that forms millions of C02 bubbles and the body rushes in 02 to the rescue. (The oxygen gives the skin all of the benefits listed above.)

During treatment the skin is infused with pure vitamin C, vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid.  Vitamin C and E are powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from sun damage and help reverse damage caused by UV rays and other extrinsic factors. Vitamin C in particular is integral in the production of collagen and it helps firm and revitalize the skin.  Hyaluronic acid restores moisture to the skin and provides it with a healthy and plump appearance.  

The major advantage of the NowMi treatment is it offers a spa quality treatment in home-use device!  For the first time ever, you can enjoy a top-end spa treatment in the comfort of your own home.  Just like a spa, the treatment performs several actions- skin exfoliation, nourishment and oxygenation.  The NowMi also includes skin protection.  Since pure vitamin C is infused into the skin, the vitamin protects the skin from free-radicals formed by sun exposure.

Designed for today’s busy lifestyle, the NowMi treatment enables you to save valuable time and money.  You can perform the treatment anywhere, anytime.  It takes only 5 minutes and costs a fraction of its spa equivalent.

Click here to find out what beauty bloggers have to say about the NowMi treatment.

Skin tightening facials

woman after skin tightening
Photo by Vinicius Wiesehofer

Skin tightening facials are an excellent way to slow down the signs of aging.  While there are many skin tightening alternatives out there- from invasive surgical procedures to aggressive peels, more and more people are opting for non-invasive and more natural looking treatments.  The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment is a spa quality skin tightening facial that infuses the skin with pure vitamin C, vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid.  These ingredients help the skin to remain tight and moisturized and looking its best. 

It’s all about the collagen

Collagen is the main structural protein in the body.  It is found in high concentrations in connective tissues- tissues that make up major body parts such as tendons, ligaments, muscles and skin.  Within the skin, its primary function is to provide support and strength. Collagen anchors cells to each other (like glue) and it also forms fibril strands that work as supporting structures of the skin.  An analogy can be made between collagen and a house.  Collagen is like a frame of a house which supports the walls.  If the frame is weak, the house cannot stand, and the walls begin to crack and fall.

We are born with an abundance of collagen in our skin.  However, with age, our body produces less and less collagen.  The decrease in production occurs in our mid 20’s.  After we hit 30, it dramatically declines at a rate of 1-2% per annum.  As a result of the decrease in collagen, the skin begins to sag and wrinkles form.  This natural aging process is usually expedited by the fact that our skin is exposed to harmful UV rays, pollution, cigarette smoke etc. all of which damage the collagen in the skin.

Restoring collagen in the skin

The good news is that collagen can be restored by stimulating the body to create new collagen. A major way of achieving this is by infusing the skin with vitamin C. Vitamin C has been scientifically proven to stimulate collagen production.   It has been shown to play a key role in collagen synthesis (a complex set of chemical reactions required to create collagen) since it is responsible for binding cells together during the creation of collagen.  If there isn’t an adequate supply of vitamin C, the body is unable to create, store or produce more collagen.  

the NowMi treatment uses pure vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant

In addition, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce the formation of free-radicals.  Free radicals are formed on the skin as a result of overexpose to sunlight and other extrinsic factors such as pollution.  The free-radicals age the skin and cause premature aging and wrinkling.

The NowMi treatment infuses the skin with the purest level of vitamin C.  It helps to restore the skin’s lost vitamin C supply and therefore enables it to create new collagen and repair damaged skin cells.  Unlike other vitamin C products on the market, the vitamin C used in the NowMi treatment is sealed until use.  This guarantees that it maintains the highest level of potency.  As an aside it is important to note that if vitamin C is exposed to air or light, it potency dramatically decreases and it becomes ineffective.  Therefore, many vitamin C serums that are marketed in tubes or lotions don’t work.

In order to ensure that the vitamin C properly penetrates the skin, the NowMi treatment exfoliates the skin.  The exfoliation cleanses the skin and peels away the outermost layer of the skin. Furthermore, once the vitamin C is infused, it is optimally absorbed by the skin’s cells because of a unique skin oxygenation process stimulated by the NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment.  The NowMi treatment stimulates the body to “oxygenate itself from within”.  This means that it triggers the body to send oxygen rich blood cells to the treatment area.  When the cells have more oxygen, they can best absorb and process vitamins and minerals. 

Hyaluronic acid and vitamin E

In addition to the vitamin C, the NowMi treatment infuses the skin with Hyaluronic acid and vitamin E.  Hyaluronic acid is a must for any skin tightening facial. Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by the body and it binds water to the collagen.  In this manner, it plays an incremental role in ensuring the skin remains moisturized.  As with collagen, with age, the levels of hyaluronic acid in the skin dramatically decline leaving the skin vulnerable to dehydration and sagging.  Fortunately, the NowMi treatment infuses the skin with hyaluronic acid which helps it appear tighter and more supple.

Last by not least, the NowMi treatment penetrates vitamin E into the skin. In addition to being a powerful antioxidant that helps the skin compact the harmful effects of UV rays, Vitamin E allows for the long-lasting moisture retention between the skin cells.  It plays a critical role in keeping lipids fresh in the skin and helps keep its protective layer intact.  According to celebrity esthetician Renée Rouleau vitamin E “can help seal up little cracks created in the skin’s barrier that can cause moisture to escape and leave the skin feeling tight and dry.” 

nowmi pro vitamin C oxygen facial for skin tightening treatment
The NowMi Pro facial skin tightening treatment


Lax skin is a natural part of the aging process and occurs primarily because of a decline in the amount of collagen in the facial skin.  Skin tightening facials infuse the skin with collagen producing vitamins and mineral.  The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment is an advanced, at-home, skin tightening facial that nourishes the skin with vitamin C, E and hyaluronic acid.  These active ingredients stimulate the production of new collagen and ensure the skin is moisturized.  As a result, the skin is tightened and wrinkles and fine lines are reduced. 


Skin Lightening Facial

As we age, more and more blemishes appear on our skin. These can be caused by sun damage, hormonal changes, medicine etc. The good news is that skin lightening facials can restore the skin to its original tone by eliminating the unwanted pigmentation. The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment uses a completely natural solution based on high concentration pure vitamin C to lighten the facial skin.  Research has shown that vitamin can reduce and eliminate blemishes and also prevent their formation in the first place.

Skin lightening treatments NowMi
Skin Lightening Treatments

How are blemishes formed?

There are many different types of skin blemishes.  When talking about skin lightening treatments, we are referring only to blemishes caused by the accumulation of melanin on the facial skin.  Melanin is a pigment that determines the color of the skin. If the skin has high concentrations of melanin it will be dark, and if it has low concentrations, it will be light. Hyperpigmentation refers to situations in which the skin produces too much melanin. As a result, dark spots or patches appear on the skin.  Hyperpigmentation is a very common skin condition and it affects people of all skin types- from very fair skin to very dark skin.

One of the major causes of hyperpigmentation is overexposure to sunlight. In such situations, the melanin in the skin absorbs the sun’s harmful UV rays and thus protects the rest of the skin from sun damage. As a result, blemishes are formed, and existing freckles and other darkened skin areas become even darker.

Another cause of hyperpigmentation is hormonal changes.  During puberty and pregnancy when the body experiences large hormonal changes, hyperpigmentation spots can form.  Hormonal medication such as birth control can also stimulate hyperpigmentation.  These spots are usually known as Melasma spots and are larger than spots caused by sun damage.  They appear as blotchy patches on the face, usually on the cheeks, nose and forehead.

Hyperpigmentation can also form if the skin is injured.  For example, following cuts or burns, the skin is inflamed, and darker skin can form in the area.  Similarly, acne scars can form dark spots on the skin’s surface.

The good news is that it has never been easier to undo damage caused by hyperpigmentation. A wide variety of products have been developed that clear away unwanted pigmentation and provide the skin with a more even tone. The main active ingredients in these products are: vitamin C, Arbutin, Retinol, or Kojic Acid. Hydroquinone used to be commonly used but it is not prohibited in most countries).

The NowMi treatment for skin lightening

The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment is a highly effective skin lightening facial that enables you to safely and effectively lighten your skin.  The 4-in-1 treatment performs 4 actions simultaneously- skin exfoliation, nourishment, oxygenation and protection.

During the skin exfoliation stage, the outermost layer of the skin is gently removed.  This layer includes dead skin cells, dirt and oil as well as darkened skin cells.  As a result, the level of hyperpigmentation is reduced.

Simultaneously, the facial skin is infused with vitamin C, vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid.  Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which plays a critical role in combating hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C helps to inhibit the production of the tyrosinase enzyme – the enzyme responsible for the production of melanin.  It is also known for its ability to lighten pigmentation without affecting the rest of the skin.  

The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment is unique since it stimulates the skin to ‘oxygenate itself from within’.  This means that the body sends oxygen rich blood cells to the treatment area.  As a result, the vitamin C is optimally absorbed by the skin cells and its effect is maximized.

The protection phase is all about prevention.  Vitamin C is the most prevalent antioxidant in the human skin. However, with age, the level of vitamin C in the skin dramatically reduces and aged skin has 70% less vitamin C compared to young skin. As the concentrations decrease, the skin becomes more vulnerable to sun damage and other extrinsic factors which damage it. The NowMi treatment replenishes the skin’s vitamin C supply which enables protect itself from UV rays and prevent the formation of sun spots.

Skin lightening with the NowMi treatment
Skin lightening with the NowMi treatment – after 6 weekly treatments


Skin lightening is a very popular treatment that helps your skin look clear and glowing.  The treatment reduces sun spots, age spots and other blemishes caused by hyperpigmentation. The NowMi treatment uses pure vitamin C to lighten the skin and give it an even tone.  Best of all, you can perform the treatment at home in only 5 minutes, and it costs much less than its spa equivalent.  Try it today!

Recommended reading: Oxygen facial at home

Vitamin C oxygen facial – Clinical evidence


Vitamin C oxygen facial treatment for dark oily skin


If you have oily skin, it is important that you adopt a skin care regimen that limits the excess oil on your face.  Personalized oxygen facias for oily skin are a fantastic alternative.  The oxygen facials not only exfoliate and cleans the skin from unwanted oils, they also deeply nourish it so that it remains balanced and healthy.  The NowMi treatment offers an advanced personalized oxygen facial that is ideal for oily skin and that can be performed at home.  The results are equivalent to those achieved in a professional spa yet the NowMi treatment costs a fraction of the price.

What causes oily skin?

Under each one of our pores is a sebaceous gland that produces sebum.  Sebum is a waxy, oily substance that is vital for the skin since it protects and hydrates it.  In some individuals, the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum and as a result the skin becomes oily.  The extra oil gives the face a shiny appearance.  It also tends to clog up the pores and cause acne. The upside is that people with oily skin tend to have fewer wrinkles as they age since the skin is highly moisturized.

Sebaceous gland

What are the common causes of oily skin?

1.  Genetics.  The most common cause of oily skin is our genes.  If one of your parents or close relatives has oily skin, then there is a significant chance that you will as well.     

2. Hormonal changes.  Hormones play a key role in the look and feel of our skin.  During periods in which there are high fluctuations in estrogen or testosterone levels, the skin can become oilier.  Examples include puberty, premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy.  In addition, birth control pills and other hormone-based medications can also affect the skin.    

3. An inappropriate skincare regime.  If you over-exfoliate, over-wash or over-cleanse your face, you are stripping it of the moisture it needs.  The skin then responds by producing an excess amount of sebum to compensate for the lost moisture and protect itself.  In general, you should wash your face twice a day, avoid harsh exfoliators and cleansing products that contain alcohol, and make sure to moisturize your face.

4. Environment.  Our skin reacts to our environment.  If you expose it to dry and cold weather, this negatively affects the skin and can result in increased oiliness.  In addition, overexposure to UV rays, infrared light and blue light may cause inflammation that increases the skin’s serum production.

Oily skin vs. dry skin
Oily skin vs. Dry skin

Personalized oxygen facials for oily skin

During a traditional oxygen facial, a special machines infuses pure, pressurized oxygen onto the skin.  In addition to the oxygen,  the aesthetician applies specific serums that help balance oily skin such as vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, botanical extracts, lactic acid and retinol.  Depending on the exact needs of your skin, the aesthetician will choose ingredients that both limit the oiliness of the skin and ensure that it is properly hydrated.  The major advantage of the oxygen facial is that the oxygen helps to push the serum deep into the skin and the ‘oxygenation effect’ caused during the treatment ensures that the skin cells optimally absorb the ingredients.

The NowMi oxygen facial for oily skin

NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial Kit
The NowMi Pro Kit

The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial is an ideal solution if you are battling with oily skin.  The NowMi Pro offers a daily skin cleansing treatment and a weekly facial spa treatment.  The daily treatment not only deeply cleanses the skin, it also infuses it with vitamins E, B3, B5 and Dead Sea minerals which moisturize it.  This enables you to ensure that your skin is clean and moisturized on a daily basis. 

The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial weekly treatment performs 4 skin actions- skin exfoliation, nourishment, oxygenation and protection.  The exfoliation is highly effective and removes unwanted oils and dead skin cells yet is performed using an effervescent tablet which is very gentle on the skin.  The treatment infuses the skin with pure vitamin C, vitamin E and hyaluronic acid which help keep the skin balanced and hydrated.

Unlike traditional oxygenation treatments, the NowMi treatment is unique in that it stimulates the skin to oxygenate itself ‘from within’.  It does this by using a scientific principal called the Bohr effect.  The Bohr effect states that if the body is exposed to high levels of carbon dioxide (C02), it responds by sending oxygen rich (02) blood cells to the area.  Based on this principal, the NowMi treatment creates a chemical reaction that results in a C02 rich environment on the skin’s surface. The body then naturally oxygenates treatment area from within the skin.  The main advantage of this oxygenation process is that the cells best absorb and use the vitamins, and results are visible from the very first treatment.

NowMi PRO Sonic Oxygenation
NowMi PRO Sonic facial skin oxygenation

The NowMi vitamin C oxygen facial treatment also proactively protects the skin. The pure vitamin C infused into the skin helps it protect against harmful UV rays and other extrinsic factors that damage it.  As mentioned above, UV rays can cause inflammation which then stimulates the over production of sebum.

Best of all, the NowMi treatment can be performed in the comfort of your home and takes only 5 minutes!


If you have oily skin, it is important that you adopt a skin regimen that helps you limit the amount of excess oil on your face and at the same time provides your skin with the moisture it needs. Personalized oxygen facials for oily skin infuse the skin with serums designed to do achieve this balance. The NowMi treatment takes traditional oxygen facials to the next level and offers users the same results as spa oxygen facial treatments yet at a fraction of the cost.  


Facial Oxygenation

Why Oxygen?

Oxygen is essential for the health, maintenance and functioning of our cells in every part of our body. In the skin, oxygen helps create new cells and deal with everyday skin damage that is caused by pollution, toxins, sun damage, and aging.

NowMi explanation of facial oxygenation
Photo by Marcelo Matarazzo on Unsplash

Facial oxygenation improves circulation to the skin, increasing the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to the cells, boosting growth of collagen, and detoxifying the environmental pollutants from the skin. Through facial oxygenation the skin is rejuvenated, leaving it healthier and radiant.

Traditional Facial Oxygenation

Traditionally, facial oxygenation treatments are offered in specialty spas that use designated machines in a three stage treatment.

The first stage involves preparing the skin through deep cleansing and exfoliation. This preparation is important for removing any impurities such as dirt and grime from the skin. Sometimes facial steam is used during this stage to open up the skin pores.

During the second stage, the designated device, resembling an airbrush, applies high-pressurized oxygen infused with botanical, vitamin, mineral and nutrient extracts to the deepest layers of the skin on the face and neck. This feels like a blast of cold air and is completely painless.

Finally, a serum that is rich with supplements and vitamins is infused into the skin using the same device. It enriches the skin, improving its firmness and complexion, reducing inflammation and redness.

The facial oxygenation treatment can take anywhere between half an hour to an hour. Sometimes a mask is applied at the end of the process in order to provide further hydration to the skin.

oxygen facial treatment
Traditional oxygen facial treatment

Celebrities’ Favorite Facial Treatment

Many celebrities swear by facial oxygenation and consider it their biggest beauty secret for a glowing plumped-up skin look before any performance or red carpet appearance.

Madonna is the most famous and dedicated fan of facial oxygenation. She has an oxygenation machine in each of her six homes, and always travels with one, so that she can enjoy it anywhere she goes.

Other well-known celebrities who enjoy facial oxygenation on a regular basis are Victoria Beckham, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry, Naomi Cambell, Jessica Biel, and Kim Kardashian, who all have their own oxygen machines.

Because these celebrities often spend much time on tour and airplanes, they often take their oxygen machines with them, and use them very frequently to keep their skin hydrated and young-looking.

The Unique Benefits of Facial Oxygenation

The unique benefits of facial oxygenation are many. In addition to facial oxygenation being painless, non-invasive, and non-medical, it does not cause any peeling, burning or prolonged redness. It does not require any harsh chemical peels, which means that people with sensitive skin can benefit from it without any detrimental side effects.

Facial oxygenation evens the skin tone, smooths fine lines, cleans the pores and increases elasticity. Furthermore, it is an excellent treatment for hyperpigmentation, reduction of acne and wrinkles, and hydrating any skin type.

NowMi Facial Oxygenation

NowMi Pro vitamin C oxygen facial Kit
The NowMi Pro Kit

The NowMi personal facial oxygenation treatment is an advanced, anti-aging treatment that offers all the benefits of the traditional facial oxygenation with a few unique features that bring your routine facial treatment to a whole new level.

The most remarkable feature of the NowMi Pro device is that instead of using external oxygenation of the skin, as used in traditional facial oxygenation, the NowMi facial treatment uses a scientific principal called the Bohr effect to stimulate the facial skin to oxygenate itself from within.  The treatment uses an effervescent tablet that contains a high concentration of vitamin C, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, which is combined with lubricant gel to create a chemical reaction that results in the formation of CO2 micro-bubbles on the skin’s surface, creating a CO2 rich environment. The body responds by sending oxygen (O2) rich blood cells to the facial skin.  

Once the treatment area is oxygenated, the skin is better able to heal and repair itself and regains natural glow.  In addition, during the NowMi treatment, the skin is infused with pure vitamin C, E and Hyaluronic acid.  The oxygenation process ensures that the vitamins are optimally absorbed by the body.  These active ingredients help reverse the signs of aging and enable it to look its very best.

Another outstanding advantage of the NowMi facial oxygenation treatment is that it offers a home-use device at a spa quality level. This means that you can care for your skin in the convenience of your own home, on a regular basis, at reduced cost and greater comfort.

The NowMi personal facial oxygenation procedure is also fast, and can be performed within 5 minutes. The device itself is compact, portable and lightweight, which means that you can carry it wherever you go and treat yourself to a facial oxygenation whenever you like, just like a celebrity.

Why Settle for Less?

The many benefits of the innovative NowMi personal skin oxygenation device place it as the leading at-home facial oxygenation option for routine use. Clinical results have consistently shown that in addition to its unique features, the NowMi device delivers top quality immediate and long-term results that leave your skin healthy and glowing.

Oxygen Facial at Home

vitamin C oxygen facial at home with the NowMi device
NowMi Oxygen Facial Treatment

An oxygen facial is a fabulous thing. The treatment has been around for almost 20 years and has established itself as a safe and effective way to keep the skin looking its very best.  Hollywood stars such as Madonna and Kim Kardashian swear by it, and there have been endless reviews that hail it as a “must have” beauty treatment. 

In a SPA it is a cosmetic treatment that uses pressurized oxygen to deliver a mixture of oxygen and nutrients, such as vitamins and antioxidants, to the skin. The oxygen is delivered to the skin via a device that sprays or blasts the mixture onto the face.

The treatment is designed to help improve the overall health and appearance of the skin, by providing it with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function properly. The oxygen helps to increase blood flow to the skin, which can help to nourish and revitalize it, while the added vitamins and antioxidants can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and environmental factors.

An oxygen facial can be beneficial for a variety of skin concerns, including dull, tired-looking skin, fine lines and wrinkles, and acne. The treatment is also said to be beneficial for hydration, helping to plump and firm the skin and improve the appearance of the skin’s texture.

And guess what, oxygen facials just got better!!! Instead of having to go to a spa to get an oxygen facial, you can now get an oxygen facial at home.  The NowMi treatment is the next-generation oxygen facial that enables you to perform a spa quality treatment in the comfort of your own home and in only 5 minutes. Not only that- it costs a fraction of the price of its spa equivalent!

The NowMi Treatment- an Oxygen Facial at Home

The NowMi treatment uses a unique technology that stimulates facial skin to oxygenate itself from within.  It is based on a principal called the Bohr effect.  In very simple terms, the NowMi treatment creates a carbon dioxide (C02) rich environment on the skin’s surface.  As a result, the body sends oxygen (02) rich blood to the treatment area. Once the oxygen reaches the treatment area, it performs wonders on the skin.  Specifically, it:

The NowMi Pro weekly oxygen facial treatment kit
The NowMi Pro kit

1. Boosts the production of collagen:   Collagen is the protein responsible for the skin’s firmness and elasticity.  As we age, the body produces less collagen and as a result the skin sags and wrinkles appear. By oxygenating the skin, it becomes firmer and there is a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Increases cell turnover:  Oxygen is vital for healthy cell turnover.  The added oxygen increases the rate at which new cells grow and in turn dramatically improves the healing of the skin.

3. Detoxifies the skin: The added oxygen helps the skin to detoxify itself.  This is critical since our skin is constantly battling the negative effects of pollution, overexposure to the sun’s damaging rays and other extrinsic factors that cause it to age prematurely. The oxygen thus helps the skin to repair and regenerate itself.

In addition to the oxygenation process, during the NowMi treatment, the skin is infused with pure vitamin C, vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid.   Vitamin C and vitamin E are powerful antioxidants that help the skin protect itself against harmful UV rays and play a critical role in helping the skin repair and rejuvenate itself. Unfortunately, with age, the skin loses most of its supply of these vitamins, and by infusing them into the skin, one can dramatically slow down, and even reverse, the signs of aging.  Lastly, the Hyaluronic acid is a vital ingredient that helps the skin maintain its moisture.  

It is very important to note that not all vitamin C’s are created equal.  Once vitamin C is exposed to air or light, it loses most of its potency.  The reason for this is that the biologically active form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid and, unfortunately, ascorbic acid is a very unstable molecule.  When it degrades it changes color from white to a yellowish brown.  So, if you are using a vitamin C serum that has a yellow to brown color, it is highly likely that the vitamin C within it is no longer effective.   

For this reason, the vitamin C used in the NowMi treatment comes in a sealed tablet.  The vitamin C is of the purest level and therefore delivers the most powerful results.

NowMi uses high concentration vitamin C for oxygen facial
The NowMi treatment uses pure vitamin C

4 actions of the NowMi treatment

Like a spa oxygen facial, the NowMi oxygen facial at home performs 4 actions in just 5 minutes:

Exfoliation: The NowMi effervescent tablet gently exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells, dirt and oil. The treatment uses sonic energy which significantly enhances the efficiency of the exfoliation, ensuring that every pore is cleaned.

Nourishment: The NowMi treatment infuses the skin with pure vitamin C, vitamin E and Hyaluronic acid. These nutrients help the skin to rejuvenate itself and slow down the signs of aging.

Oxygenation:  The NowMi treatment stimulates the body to create an oxygen rich environment in the treatment area. As a result, a natural ‘facial oxygenation’ effect occurs.

Protection: With age, the skin’s supply of vitamin C and E dramatically decreases. The NowMi treatment infuses the skin with these vitamins which enables it to protect itself against extrinsic factors.


Spa oxygen facials have been proven to slow down the signs of aging and improve the quality of the skin.  The NowMi oxygen treatment offers an improvement over the traditional spa treatment.  It provides the same quality of treatment, but in an easy-to-use, home-based solution that costs a fraction of the price.  Best of all, the treatment is perfect for today’s busy lifestyle since it can be performed anywhere, anytime, in only 5 minutes.

Recommended reading: Vitamin C oxygen facial: ALL you need to know